I have been around sleds for a long time now and just found something out, I think. I really hope this doen't make me look stupid but....... I was hooking up a visor plug on my sons indy 400, (non electric start) so I was looking for a 12 volt supply. In the manual it shows an accesory wire, the same wire that is used for the heated grips. I tested it and couldn't get a volt reading but the grips were working. I was testing for DC current and was finding nothing so I switched my meter to AC current and found the 12 Volts that I was looking for. That stumped me because I thought that it would have been DC current. Looking deeper into the manual about trouble shooting the electrical system it says to have the multi meter on the AC setting. Are all nonelectric start sleds electrical systems (without a battery) running on AC current and then what are the electric start systems, (with battery) AC or DC?
I always thought that the electrical current on vehicles was DC.
I always thought that the electrical current on vehicles was DC.
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