Do you get your deposit back

my mod

Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Water Valley....Gone from McMurray!!!
a deposit is a deposit is a deposit. keep it. or at least some. or go with boggers idea. thats clever.

im not a shallow person i hold parts and things for people for months passing up sure sales. that being said my time is valuable and im sure yours is too.

were you suppsoed to hold his hand while he asked his wife also?

Well, I would agree that a deposit is a deposit is a deposit and in the old days when a man's word was worth something you are right.
It would seem that this man's word also meant nothing as he found what he felt was a better deal and bought something else.
In today's world that is not entirely true. Our own legal system supports returning deposits.
Get a deposit on a house you are selling and try and keep it. I have been down this road several times. The buyer can find many loopholes to decide not to buy your house, beggining with "subject to inspection" or "Subjet to approval" or "Subject to the sale of their house"
If it does not meet with their expectations, you MUST return their deposit, no matter how big or small the deposit is or how long they have held your house off the market from other possible buyers.
There are several other examples of deposits that must be returned according to our legal system.
I am not saying this is right, I don't agree with it either. I am just sayin that deposits are not what they used to be for.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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so ifind out today he bought a diff truck so he was playing the field with this deposit thing so we come to a agreement i gave him 400 back he was happy with that i was p/ssed he was playing around

My previous comments were made on the assumption that he was being honest with you. Based on the fact you found out he was lying, I would have kept the whole $700 once I found he was just using it to hold my vehicle while he shopped around.

If he was being honest I would have given it back, however since he wasn't, you should have kept it all for being the trustworthy seller. Might have made him think about his actions a little more.


Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
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Stony Plain, Alberta
been on both sides.... and never expected my deposit back nor have kept it....

If it were me, I'd say fine, I keep the deposit for 5 days.... if the truck sells in 5 days you get it back if after 5 days it has not sold I keep the deposit..

Legally you have every right to keep it and should you chose to do so so be it, but refering back to the "he knows where you live" comment... the 5 day window is how I'd personally proceed....

Legally without providing any goods or services, you do not have the right to keep it. No matter what you have in the agreement. Any agreement or
" contract " that conflicts with a law is not valid. This basically amounts to theft. If you are sure that you have more money than he does to go to court, then keep it. if not give it back.

do the right thing. if you had to tell 5 or 6 people that it was sold, chances are you will be able to sell it easyily enough.
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