Scary he has complete control of the mainstream media.It's funny because this kinda popped out a few days ago...then crickets. There were rumours that liberals had an injunction against G&A to stop from running the story. And also that lawyers were working with said victim on a settlement plan with non disclosure agreement. Funny how it just went super quiet.....not even a fake news claim or any thing refuting the claim. Just dead silence and damage control. Even the rebel media went quiet on it after one post. Pretty sketchy
Look how the CBC went after the guy who released the yearbook of ole blacky black face, did a whole story on him showing his car,house,full name....CBC scare tactics
driven by Lieberal ideologies and beliefs ... if you don't like my opinion, you're dead wrong!!!
If he didn't do it why was it hushed right away. We all know he is above the law, Mr Groper should be in jail any normal person would be!