There are some very cool places like this in the Trout Lake area. Lots of old mines and abandoned equipment but NO TOURIST GARBAGE. A buddy of mine from Alberta wouldn't believe that there was no garbage left over so he checked out a camp fire site to see if there was some beer or bean cans. NOTHING ! The people that use these sites do a great job of taking thier garbage out when they leave.
One fun thing for the kids to see at the mines abandoned camp site (approx. mile 10 or 12) is a family of Weasles that has learned to mooch from riders when they stop for a break. They'll come within 3 ft to get a piece of meat from your sandwich.
Theres 2-3 birds that chill by the cabin off kakwa lake that will land on your arm for food. My dad was telling a story while eating his sub and had his arm out pointing at something, the bird just swooped down and sat on it. Its pretty neat stuff, with ferrets that is way cooler than birds tho.
Road is still open as always. Sign said deactivation by Sept 20 but nothing yet. If the chief engineer in Nelson Forestry says it won't be severe, I beleive him - a no BS guy.