Coutts boys got screwed


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Unbelievable but not really. It is amazing how/why the Justice system has evolved. Canada is a broken country and I am thinking that it is going to get worse before it gets better or back to normal. The bills that Trudope has passed, the judges that he has appointed, and many of his actions have totally wrecked this country.
There will be an appeal but I can’t see that going anywhere with the system that is in place.
What does this say for Tamara, Chris, and Pat?
Those feds got my truck and serial number on record also.
But still a stellar track time… you have to admit. I would have tried Arthur, at least he spoke out on serious issues and wasn’t scared about which way the wind blows. But anyhow I guess the boys get to rot some more in jail for nothing. Should be an eye opened for a couple Albertans.
my brother and I are pretty lucky. Canadas FBI got serial numbers off our trucks. Pictures of our license plates and faces. It happened While at the border with most of the men who are arrested.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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But still a stellar track time… you have to admit. I would have tried Arthur, at least he spoke out on serious issues and wasn’t scared about which way the wind blows. But anyhow I guess the boys get to rot some more in jail for nothing. Should be an eye opened for a couple Albertans.
Very good chance that the Turd had his hand in this Coutts decision. I read Tamara Lichs book and she said he wanted to make her an example. He sucked a Liberal friend attorney on her who was ruthless. The only reason she finally got out of jail was a court judge ended up seeing this and threw that pricks case against her out of court and reprimanded him. Supposedly the government is supposed to not be able to affect court cases but in this case they did.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Just shows you how crooked some judges are, i bet the 81 senators that the turd appointed are just as bad. How did we become so ethically and morally challenged? A weaponized justice system. Man this pisses me off. Of coarse Trump is getting a full dose of corruption in the USA he has 91 felony charges and 88 criminal charges he spends lots of hours in court.
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