Could this be the beginning of a meaningful discussion on assault weapons in the USA?


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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So sick of these idiotic comparisons. You think a hunting rifle and an AR15 with a 30 round clip is the same? If all guns are the same why do we have so many different types and variations? Why aren't soilders sent to war with a .22 and 5 round clip. They aren't the same, use your god damn brain for once in your life.

Wow. Sounds like someone needs a nap! You clearly know very little about firearms. Go grab a warm, comforting beverage, sit in the corner and have a good cry. The world out there is a big, ugly, scary place and bad things happen. You can wish for a panacea to make things all sunshine and roses, or you can face the realities of the situation and come to common sense solutions that will solve the problems. There’s a big difference between the way you want the world to be and the way it actually is.


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2014
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Your comment doesn't even make sense. I'm talking gun differences you're talking perception of reality. I never said anything you assumed. I've been around the block and back a few times, my life has been nothing but ordinary. People don't need mlitary grade weapons for any logical reason in society. They aren't for hunting, defending a home or any other purpose except inflicting death in combat.

If a gun is a gun, why did the pigs hide outside while the shooter went about murdering his classmates, because there is a big difference between a Glock 18 and AR15. Use your head fool, and do you even sled or hangout on SM for political debates.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Wow. Sounds like someone needs a nap! You clearly know very little about firearms. Go grab a warm, comforting beverage, sit in the corner and have a good cry. The world out there is a big, ugly, scary place and bad things happen. You can wish for a panacea to make things all sunshine and roses, or you can face the realities of the situation and come to common sense solutions that will solve the problems. There’s a big difference between the way you want the world to be and the way it actually is.

Unless I'm missing something , sounds like he's got a better grasp on the gun thing than you do. No matter what you think about the scarey bad world and how to solve the problems, you certainly have to question the need for an AR 15 rifle or any others with the same capabilities to be available for purchase by consumers.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Your comment doesn't even make sense. I'm talking gun differences you're talking perception of reality. I never said anything you assumed. I've been around the block and back a few times, my life has been nothing but ordinary. People don't need mlitary grade weapons for any logical reason in society. They aren't for hunting, defending a home or any other purpose except inflicting death in combat.

If a gun is a gun, why did the pigs hide outside while the shooter went about murdering his classmates, because there is a big difference between a Glock 18 and AR15. Use your head fool, and do you even sled or hangout on SM for political debates.

Nope. Don’t sled. But I own a couple of atv’s. Hope that gives me permission to stay on the site. And your comments about the “ pigs”. Classy.
People don’t need semi autos, but since it’s legal, it’s not up to anyone to tell them they can’t have them. If they scare you, don’t buy one. just like people don’t need performance cars, or performance snowmobiles, motorcycles or anything else that’s outside what is a basic necessity. Just because you don’t want them or see the need for them is irrelevant. It’s called freedom of choice.


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2014
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Comparing AR 15 to performance vehicles, with your brain dead logic, why don't people have nuclear weapons or frag grenades? Don't really need them but damn, would be fun, freedom of choice! Idiot.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Comparing AR 15 to performance vehicles, with your brain dead logic, why don't people have nuclear weapons or frag grenades? Don't really need them but damn, would be fun, freedom of choice! Idiot.

Like all liberal progressives, you cant win the argument using facts and logic, so you start with the name calling..... typical....the fact is that there's always gonna be guns of all sorts available, and really bad news for you and your friends, Hillary Clinton lost.....


Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2009
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St albert Alberta
People don't need mlitary grade weapons for any logical reason in society. They aren't for hunting, defending a home or any other purpose except inflicting death in combat.

The 2nd Amendment was not put in place for hunting, target shooting,or defending a home.
It state " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
yes not all guns are the same.
I don't have the answer but I don't think gun control is it. Here in Canada we still have shootings, and have gun control.
I do like our pal system. A few years back under our old fac. I bought some guns in the US and had to answer the same questions as I did to get my fac.
I do like the pal system faster to buy a gun here than in the US.

Yes I think the cops should of went in, but we were not there and don't know why they didn't.


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2014
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Like all liberal progressives, you cant win the argument using facts and logic, so you start with the name calling..... typical....the fact is that there's always gonna be guns of all sorts available, and really bad news for you and your friends, Hillary Clinton lost.....

I actually hate Hilary and very much like Trump, I watched CNN religiously following Trump.

BTW this isn't even about politics, it's about guns, gun culture and the death of innocent people.
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Active VIP Member
May 3, 2012
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You can't argue with idiots that know it all on the internet. It's not worth the time or effort to even type.
And some that actually watch cnn... well that says it all.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Why not put vets in the schools. They have been trained by the best and no how to plan for something like this. They are not afraid of combat (as the rent a cops were) and are looking for a purpose post deployment. Makes perfect sense to me. They have a better chance of having success in a scenario like the Florida shooting with out getting into a big shoot out. Arming teachers is a joke in my opinion. Stupidest idea I have ever heard. Be a bunch of shrinking violets hiding under a desk pizzing their pants.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
They need to do something. They had a armed officer at the school on the last one but he didn't do the job he was there to do. I think they need armed guards but like three of them and not a single one. Also need to get the illegal guns off the street. Taking guns away from the legal owners will make it worse. I don't have a real cure for them.

Yup, turns out there was one armed officer, and then another car with 2 deputy's pulled up and stayed outside until backup arrived... Sheriffs dept announced today, and apologized for the officers actions...


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Yup, turns out there was one armed officer, and then another car with 2 deputy's pulled up and stayed outside until backup arrived... Sheriffs dept announced today, and apologized for the officers actions...
Pathetic. Kids getting mowed down, football coach throws his body in the line of fire to save kids and armed cops and guard is waiting for backup. Real hero's run towards the sound of gunfire, not away. Get battle tested vets in the schools.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Pathetic. Kids getting mowed down, football coach throws his body in the line of fire to save kids and armed cops and guard is waiting for backup. Real hero's run towards the sound of gunfire, not away. Get battle tested vets in the schools.

Should probably be more clear as to who the gaurd was. From what I have read he was there more as a mall cop. Spent his days directing traffic and catching kids skipping class. Not really fair to paint him as a coward in my opinion as he most likely lacked the training and know how to deal with the situation. I'm all for gun ownership but in the right hands. This whole things about stopping a bad guy with a gun takes a good guy with a gun is the exact mentality that has the Americans in the situation they are in. I honestly believe it's a culture thing and obviously they need to make some changes to address the problem. Withou a doubt you will once and awhile get a crazy that goes off the deep end for one reason or another but better education and stronger checks definitely can prevent a situation like this.

Arming teachers and having armed guards is not the way to go. It's a school not a prison and I most certainly would not send my kids to a place like that


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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You can't argue with idiots that know it all on the internet. It's not worth the time or effort to even type.
And some that actually watch cnn... well that says it all.

More name calling.....see my post above.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Why not put vets in the schools. They have been trained by the best and no how to plan for something like this. They are not afraid of combat (as the rent a cops were) and are looking for a purpose post deployment. Makes perfect sense to me. They have a better chance of having success in a scenario like the Florida shooting with out getting into a big shoot out. Arming teachers is a joke in my opinion. Stupidest idea I have ever heard. Be a bunch of shrinking violets hiding under a desk pizzing their pants.

Good idea. Apparently veterans have almost a 30% unemployment rate... give them good jobs and protect schools and the kids at the same time. E


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I am not going to agree/disagree with the US gun laws. Too many opinions out there. However, if an idiot decides to shoot a bunch of people, I personally don't think a lot can stop he/she from doing so in the 5-10 min they execute their desire. Look at Ft Hood lunatic. He manages to kill 13 people on a military base with probably the most qualified individuals to fend him off. So, arming teachers or having a couple security offices at schools may "help" but won't deter someone getting their shots in. Need to bring back the musket :beer:


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Should probably be more clear as to who the gaurd was. From what I have read he was there more as a mall cop. Spent his days directing traffic and catching kids skipping class. Not really fair to paint him as a coward in my opinion as he most likely lacked the training and know how to deal with the situation. I'm all for gun ownership but in the right hands. This whole things about stopping a bad guy with a gun takes a good guy with a gun is the exact mentality that has the Americans in the situation they are in. I honestly believe it's a culture thing and obviously they need to make some changes to address the problem. Withou a doubt you will once and awhile get a crazy that goes off the deep end for one reason or another but better education and stronger checks definitely can prevent a situation like this.

Arming teachers and having armed guards is not the way to go. It's a school not a prison and I most certainly would not send my kids to a place like that
Fair enough on the mall cop comment. Just going by what was posted by others. Your argument on stopping a bad guy with a gun with a good guy with a gun being unacceptable confuses me? How do you stop him? Give him a hug and read poetry to him? He needs to be taken down and if someone trained can get to him before the cops get there and wait for backup then that's what it needs to be. I'm not saying this is you but I get a kick out of people that say ban semi auto guns and only have bolt action and it will save lives as people will escape while he reloads? Fair enough but heaven help us if a trained gun response is used to save lives while the cops are in the parking lot huddling up to make a plan while kids are getting mowed down?


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Fair enough on the mall cop comment. Just going by what was posted by others. Your argument on stopping a bad guy with a gun with a good guy with a gun being unacceptable confuses me? How do you stop him? Give him a hug and read poetry to him? He needs to be taken down and if someone trained can get to him before the cops get there and wait for backup then that's what it needs to be. I'm not saying this is you but I get a kick out of people that say ban semi auto guns and only have bolt action and it will save lives as people will escape while he reloads? Fair enough but heaven help us if a trained gun response is used to save lives while the cops are in the parking lot huddling up to make a plan while kids are getting mowed down?

Good points. Some folks believe its better/more socially acceptable/progressive to cower in fear when evil comes calling than to defend themselves. And get ready for more name calling.
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