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I figured its getting time to start getting a bit more serious about the upcoming season. Below is an article I wrote for the Avalanche Journal regarding the many "affects" of snow compaction. This issue is real, and is affecting your safety and backcountry experience whether you know it or not. It is a very large and difficult topic that is not often talked about so I took a stab at it. These are just my thoughts and opinions and I am posting this to see what others have thought on this topic. Please criticize, comment and share away!
Is consistent and widespread use of more popular managed snowmobile areas creating a growing and dangerous sense of over experience and self-confidence in mountain terrain?
British Columbia is home to approximately 102 snowmobile areas that are classified as Managed. This means they are operated and overseen by local organizations and clubs in partnership with Recreation Sites and Trails BC, a department of the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
Outside pressures, like the species at risk and conflicts over land use are ultimately limiting motorized (snowmobile) access to the many areas of the open backcountry. As access to BC’s backcountry is becoming more restricted, the snowmobiling public more likely to utilize these managed recreational snowmobile areas.
The word “managed” may be a bit misleading. The typical agreement has local clubs or organizations maintaining a groomed trail only that may or may not lead to an alpine shelter as its final destination. Many of these access trails are mechanically groomed and are access points to a variety of areas including treeline and alpine terrain. These “play” areas can see very heavy use by snowmobilers of all ages and riding abilities although there is no form of management beyond the end of the access trail
Naturally some of these areas are quite busier than others and some can see hundreds of users over any given weekend. Regular winter season use of these areas can begin as early as the beginning to mid November and continue on well in to May.
One of the areas in the province I am most experienced with is Allen Creek. This a very large area that is bound on all sides by legislated wildlife closures, leaving boundaries are quite clear. At times, especially during periods of extended drought, fresh lines can be difficult to find. Allen Creek is likely considered one of the most frequented managed snowmobile areas in Western Canada. The area holds a large mix of accessible terrain with ATES classifications ranging from non-avalanche terrain simple, challenging and complex areas. All 90 of the managed areas around British Columbia have seen ATES mapping through multi-year projects between Avalanche Canada and Rec Sites and Trails BC.
Allen Creek holds the same features of any high alpine mountain environment, and it is not uncommon after a busy week to see 80% of the terrain within the area’s relatively large boundaries resembling a parking lot with every morsel of recently fallen snow being absolutely steam rolled. This phenomenon continues from the inception of the snowy season (mid November) to the last round of rides from the average recreationalist typically ending in late April or early May depending on the year.
Compaction of the annual snowpack within the areas boundaries is extensive. At times of infrequent snowfall there is little terrain left untouched. This includes slopes of 45-50 degrees plus including concavities, convexities, creek beds gullies, all aspects and elevations treeline and above.
Over the last eight seasons of frequenting these areas multiple times a week and having to regularly search for that elusive unaffected location for stability tests and a quick profile, I have started to spend a significant amount of time thinking about the effects of compaction in these popular public snowmobiling areas. Extensive compaction from snowmobiles not only has relevance to stability and avalanche hazard but it also exerts an influence on the riders in the form of what we commonly refer to as “Human Factors” such as familiarity and consistency.
As riders are becoming more skilled and pushing the technical limits of their sport o be it strictly snowmobiling or snowmobile assisted ski touring, it is becoming more difficult to find a location within Allen Creek (and many other managed snowmobile areas) that hasn’t met the demise of a seasons worth of sled or ski traffic. When I am able to find an untouched location, I begin to wonder….is it truly representative of the overall snowpack condition within the region?
As an area representative, acting as the general manager and avalanche technician for the local snowmobile organization and operating a local snowmobile backcountry guiding and avalanche education business, I try to regularly convey important local information relating the snowpack and riding conditions within these managed areas to our users via email lists, social media and general correspondence.
I often think about the effects of compaction within these popular areas. Managed snowmobile areas throughout British Columbia receive hundreds if not thousands user days per weekend and many thousands per season. This does have a profound effect on the snowpack and the avalanche hazard within these regions and is likely a contributing factor why we don’t see more incidents involving snowmobilers given the nature of the terrain they travel in. The majority of the snowpack within managed areas is simply compacted to such an extent that it behaves more like a modified snowpack than that of the less frequented backcountry.
Much of the publics riding is in, or travels through complex terrain. Any given winter day in BC, there are non-guided, recreational snowmobilers with unknown levels of training moving through large expanses of alpine terrain. Thankfully there are minimal reported avalanche statistics be it a simple involvement or a fatal accident.
A few key questions come to mind regarding these managed public areas, the snowmobile use they see and the compaction that results.
Is the presence of extensive compaction in these heavily used managed areas resulting in non-event feedback that is potentially developing a growing and dangerous sense of over experience and self-confidence in mountain terrain?
Should this change how we message to riders within specific regions?
As professionals, how do we start to understand the role of compaction in these areas?
When do we address this growing and likely inaccurate sense of self-confidence and complacency?
If we do not openly discuss the idea of compaction within these areas and the potential of its benefits and dangers, are we withholding potentially life saving information?
Should we communicate the effects of compaction in the public bulletin?
My personal feeling is yes, but how?
From my experience over the last eight years of observations, the heavily used managed recreational areas are providing a safer experience, with reduced avalanche hazard due to mechanical compaction. My feeling is that we address the idea, in greater fashion. We can make our public avalanche safety programs stronger by recognizing and addressing the extensive compaction that regularly occurs at managed snowmobile areas.
The question looms, how is this message most effectively delivered?
Although, not everyone chooses to utilize managed areas. Recreational users may seek out more elusive and secluded areas where the idea of regular compaction over a very large common area is no longer the case. This decision may come with time and the individual’s progression and experience level in the activity, or simply from a desire to find that elusive fresh track in times of low snowfall, or ultimately they could simply be following a blind desire to go off the beaten path even though the experience level may not be there. There are many human factors that influence us all, especially new comers to mountainous terrain.
Due to the intense use, managed areas may be best looked at and discussed as a stepping stone to becoming more experienced with mountain terrain, to increase personal snowpack assessment and general backcountry skills before moving into large, more natural snowpacks that arguably present a greater hazard.
As instructors, mentors and educators when should compaction in regards to managed snowmobile areas come into conversation? Currently there is nothing (that I have seen) addressing the idea that popular managed recreation areas may be safer due to the compaction phenomenon. There are many points that could be argued and all need a focused attention, although I have seen the benefits of compaction within these areas for many years.
I believe our lessons and correspondence to the recreational snowmobile community need to address a stronger message on the impacts of compaction in these heavily frequented areas. Even if the message is simply that on a high hazard day, a managed area may provide you with a safer experience than untouched and raw backcountry.
How could we effectively convey this message without causing more harm than good?
Thank you for reading. If you feel strongly about this idea one way or another, I encourage feedback and information sharing and would happily engage in further discussion.
Ride safe
Is consistent and widespread use of more popular managed snowmobile areas creating a growing and dangerous sense of over experience and self-confidence in mountain terrain?
British Columbia is home to approximately 102 snowmobile areas that are classified as Managed. This means they are operated and overseen by local organizations and clubs in partnership with Recreation Sites and Trails BC, a department of the Ministry of Forest Lands and Natural Resource Operations.
Outside pressures, like the species at risk and conflicts over land use are ultimately limiting motorized (snowmobile) access to the many areas of the open backcountry. As access to BC’s backcountry is becoming more restricted, the snowmobiling public more likely to utilize these managed recreational snowmobile areas.
The word “managed” may be a bit misleading. The typical agreement has local clubs or organizations maintaining a groomed trail only that may or may not lead to an alpine shelter as its final destination. Many of these access trails are mechanically groomed and are access points to a variety of areas including treeline and alpine terrain. These “play” areas can see very heavy use by snowmobilers of all ages and riding abilities although there is no form of management beyond the end of the access trail
Naturally some of these areas are quite busier than others and some can see hundreds of users over any given weekend. Regular winter season use of these areas can begin as early as the beginning to mid November and continue on well in to May.
One of the areas in the province I am most experienced with is Allen Creek. This a very large area that is bound on all sides by legislated wildlife closures, leaving boundaries are quite clear. At times, especially during periods of extended drought, fresh lines can be difficult to find. Allen Creek is likely considered one of the most frequented managed snowmobile areas in Western Canada. The area holds a large mix of accessible terrain with ATES classifications ranging from non-avalanche terrain simple, challenging and complex areas. All 90 of the managed areas around British Columbia have seen ATES mapping through multi-year projects between Avalanche Canada and Rec Sites and Trails BC.
Allen Creek holds the same features of any high alpine mountain environment, and it is not uncommon after a busy week to see 80% of the terrain within the area’s relatively large boundaries resembling a parking lot with every morsel of recently fallen snow being absolutely steam rolled. This phenomenon continues from the inception of the snowy season (mid November) to the last round of rides from the average recreationalist typically ending in late April or early May depending on the year.
Compaction of the annual snowpack within the areas boundaries is extensive. At times of infrequent snowfall there is little terrain left untouched. This includes slopes of 45-50 degrees plus including concavities, convexities, creek beds gullies, all aspects and elevations treeline and above.
Over the last eight seasons of frequenting these areas multiple times a week and having to regularly search for that elusive unaffected location for stability tests and a quick profile, I have started to spend a significant amount of time thinking about the effects of compaction in these popular public snowmobiling areas. Extensive compaction from snowmobiles not only has relevance to stability and avalanche hazard but it also exerts an influence on the riders in the form of what we commonly refer to as “Human Factors” such as familiarity and consistency.
As riders are becoming more skilled and pushing the technical limits of their sport o be it strictly snowmobiling or snowmobile assisted ski touring, it is becoming more difficult to find a location within Allen Creek (and many other managed snowmobile areas) that hasn’t met the demise of a seasons worth of sled or ski traffic. When I am able to find an untouched location, I begin to wonder….is it truly representative of the overall snowpack condition within the region?
As an area representative, acting as the general manager and avalanche technician for the local snowmobile organization and operating a local snowmobile backcountry guiding and avalanche education business, I try to regularly convey important local information relating the snowpack and riding conditions within these managed areas to our users via email lists, social media and general correspondence.
I often think about the effects of compaction within these popular areas. Managed snowmobile areas throughout British Columbia receive hundreds if not thousands user days per weekend and many thousands per season. This does have a profound effect on the snowpack and the avalanche hazard within these regions and is likely a contributing factor why we don’t see more incidents involving snowmobilers given the nature of the terrain they travel in. The majority of the snowpack within managed areas is simply compacted to such an extent that it behaves more like a modified snowpack than that of the less frequented backcountry.
Much of the publics riding is in, or travels through complex terrain. Any given winter day in BC, there are non-guided, recreational snowmobilers with unknown levels of training moving through large expanses of alpine terrain. Thankfully there are minimal reported avalanche statistics be it a simple involvement or a fatal accident.
A few key questions come to mind regarding these managed public areas, the snowmobile use they see and the compaction that results.
Is the presence of extensive compaction in these heavily used managed areas resulting in non-event feedback that is potentially developing a growing and dangerous sense of over experience and self-confidence in mountain terrain?
Should this change how we message to riders within specific regions?
As professionals, how do we start to understand the role of compaction in these areas?
When do we address this growing and likely inaccurate sense of self-confidence and complacency?
If we do not openly discuss the idea of compaction within these areas and the potential of its benefits and dangers, are we withholding potentially life saving information?
Should we communicate the effects of compaction in the public bulletin?
My personal feeling is yes, but how?
From my experience over the last eight years of observations, the heavily used managed recreational areas are providing a safer experience, with reduced avalanche hazard due to mechanical compaction. My feeling is that we address the idea, in greater fashion. We can make our public avalanche safety programs stronger by recognizing and addressing the extensive compaction that regularly occurs at managed snowmobile areas.
The question looms, how is this message most effectively delivered?
Although, not everyone chooses to utilize managed areas. Recreational users may seek out more elusive and secluded areas where the idea of regular compaction over a very large common area is no longer the case. This decision may come with time and the individual’s progression and experience level in the activity, or simply from a desire to find that elusive fresh track in times of low snowfall, or ultimately they could simply be following a blind desire to go off the beaten path even though the experience level may not be there. There are many human factors that influence us all, especially new comers to mountainous terrain.
Due to the intense use, managed areas may be best looked at and discussed as a stepping stone to becoming more experienced with mountain terrain, to increase personal snowpack assessment and general backcountry skills before moving into large, more natural snowpacks that arguably present a greater hazard.
As instructors, mentors and educators when should compaction in regards to managed snowmobile areas come into conversation? Currently there is nothing (that I have seen) addressing the idea that popular managed recreation areas may be safer due to the compaction phenomenon. There are many points that could be argued and all need a focused attention, although I have seen the benefits of compaction within these areas for many years.
I believe our lessons and correspondence to the recreational snowmobile community need to address a stronger message on the impacts of compaction in these heavily frequented areas. Even if the message is simply that on a high hazard day, a managed area may provide you with a safer experience than untouched and raw backcountry.
How could we effectively convey this message without causing more harm than good?
Thank you for reading. If you feel strongly about this idea one way or another, I encourage feedback and information sharing and would happily engage in further discussion.
Ride safe