everyday is garage sale day:d
check out the martin motorsports swap meet, maybe get yourself a table..... Pm me for details on booking a table!
Only 10 tables sold so far!
down town dewinton a pizz length from cowtown
Racers Edge is also in DeWinton...it is pretty much across the road from Heritage Pointe golf course, and right along the new hwy 2 south of Calgary. Dusty is probably spying on Baker right now trying to see what is going on with the new Turbo 4 stroke Summit.Thank-you Mr. Miyagi. You are a gentleman, my dear friend!...... Don't think i've ever heard of DeWinton.
so i can work on my own sled, and maybe do some truck maintenance, so now i have to decide which corner to start. hehe and to boot i can't find my favorite gear wrench set.