Chris brown signed with.......


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
I don't think sponsorship is a waste of money. If I was looking to purchase a turbo for my viper and I watched a video of a PRO riding flawlessly in the mountains. They were promoting a certain brand of Turbo. I would most likely look into it, search for reviews and contemplate purchasing it. How can you promote a product without showing off how it works?


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
I don't think sponsorship is a waste of money. If I was looking to purchase a turbo for my viper and I watched a video of a PRO riding flawlessly in the mountains. They were promoting a certain brand of Turbo. I would most likely look into it, search for reviews and contemplate purchasing it. How can you promote a product without showing off how it works?

I disagree. I look at the guys that are killing it at yamafest and big iron shootout and what they are running. They are spending their own money on it so if it doesnt work they will tell you. They arent worried about tarnishing their sponsorship potential. They dont want to see someone wasting money on something that doesnt work.

I agree that the best bet is just getting out and trying something out and buying it if it blows your hair back. Ive ridden alot of stuff that has been promoted as flawless that was just plain aweful.


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
I disagree. I look at the guys that are killing it at yamafest and big iron shootout and what they are running. They are spending their own money on it so if it doesnt work they will tell you. They arent worried about tarnishing their sponsorship potential. They dont want to see someone wasting money on something that doesnt work.

I agree that the best bet is just getting out and trying something out and buying it if it blows your hair back. Ive ridden alot of stuff that has been promoted as flawless that was just plain aweful.

Just because it doesn't apply to you, doesn't mean it's wrong or doesn't work. The majority of the public isn't going to be like I want to get this for my sled. Well you know, I'm going to wait till Yamafest and Big Iron Shootout to see what those guys are running. Then make my decision based off that. People are far too impatient for that.


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
Just because it doesn't apply to you, doesn't mean it's wrong or doesn't work. The majority of the public isn't going to be like I want to get this for my sled. Well you know, I'm going to wait till Yamafest and Big Iron Shootout to see what those guys are running. Then make my decision based off that. People are far too impatient for that.

I agree. And thats why I come on forums like this to try to get good information. But like I said its amazing when you jump on a promoted product and it is a complete turd. Ill give an example........when boondocker first released their etec kit it was being promoted as pull the rope and go, it runs awesome. I went and rode their demo and it couldnt have been worse. Was just gross on the bottom and mid, but did pull hard up top. But was basically unrideable in the trees. It didnt stop people from promoting them though! But someone who spent their hard earned money on one sure wouldnt tell you to buy one. Which again is the point of these forums imho. Real sledders sharing information.


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB, CDN
I agree. And thats why I come on forums like this to try to get good information. But like I said its amazing when you jump on a promoted product and it is a complete turd. Ill give an example........when boondocker first released their etec kit it was being promoted as pull the rope and go, it runs awesome. I went and rode their demo and it couldnt have been worse. Was just gross on the bottom and mid, but did pull hard up top. But was basically unrideable in the trees. It didnt stop people from promoting them though! But someone who spent their hard earned money on one sure wouldnt tell you to buy one. Which again is the point of these forums imho. Real sledders sharing information.

Yea, I agree that testing the product, getting unbiased opinions from sledders that have tried and tested the product is ultimately the best way to go about purchasing anything. However, my argument is that sponsoring riders to promote your product does work from a business aspect. From a consumers, not so much, as they are paid to promote, good or bad. I like Chris Browns strategy to promote the product by getting people onto a Polaris at his clinics. Not everyone is going to like them but the more people you get on the machine, the more you're going to sell.


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
Yea, I agree that testing the product, getting unbiased opinions from sledders that have tried and tested the product is ultimately the best way to go about purchasing anything. However, my argument is that sponsoring riders to promote your product does work from a business aspect. From a consumers, not so much, as they are paid to promote, good or bad. I like Chris Browns strategy to promote the product by getting people onto a Polaris at his clinics. Not everyone is going to like them but the more people you get on the machine, the more you're going to sell.

Yeah I definitely agree with that. Smart move on Polaris's part sponsoring guys that also do sled rentals/guiding. Gets ALOT of people on their products.


Active VIP Member
Feb 17, 2012
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East of the Rockies and west of the rest.
I think a sponsored rider will give as much if not more of an unbiased opinion than Joe Sledder will give you. But with a sponsored rider you have to read between the lines. Look at what after market parts are on a sponsored riders sled and you will see what the short falls of the chassis were and what they did to improve the machine. A sponsored guy like Chris will not go out and bad mouth a manufacturer. That would land him on the wrong end of a law suite. And if he did that he would turn away a large group of people from his own businesses who would not want to take riding advice from a person who publicly trashed the sled they spent their hard earned money on.

Which brings me to the bias of the every day sledder. Yes some people will tell you the truth, I am one of them. But there are people who need to justify their purchase in their own minds and try to convince every body else that what they spent their hard earned money on is the best on the market. Look at how many Doo vs Poo and Boost-It vs Turbo X pissing matches have been started on this forum by regular non sponsored riders. People will argue tooth and nail, nobody wants to admit they might have made a mistake or they are not getting what they expected out of a $6500 aftermarket parts bill.

I say congratulations to Chris and I will be watching him closely this year.


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
I think a sponsored rider will give as much if not more of an unbiased opinion than Joe Sledder will give you. But with a sponsored rider you have to read between the lines. Look at what after market parts are on a sponsored riders sled and you will see what the short falls of the chassis were and what they did to improve the machine. A sponsored guy like Chris will not go out and bad mouth a manufacturer. That would land him on the wrong end of a law suite. And if he did that he would turn away a large group of people from his own businesses who would not want to take riding advice from a person who publicly trashed the sled they spent their hard earned money on.

Which brings me to the bias of the every day sledder. Yes some people will tell you the truth, I am one of them. But there are people who need to justify their purchase in their own minds and try to convince every body else that what they spent their hard earned money on is the best on the market. Look at how many Doo vs Poo and Boost-It vs Turbo X pissing matches have been started on this forum by regular non sponsored riders. People will argue tooth and nail, nobody wants to admit they might have made a mistake or they are not getting what they expected out of a $6500 aftermarket parts bill.

I say congratulations to Chris and I will be watching him closely this year.

Hit the nail on the head!! I run into way more guys to proud of their purchase to admit it's a paper weight. This is why I miss building mod sleds for my friends with their money. Then I could tell everyone what works and what didn't because I just didn't care lol.


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2008
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A "other brand" pro rider questioned if polaris will make all their pro riders wear klim? I cant see it? Maybe... I see dan adams is wearing it now, burandt still his slednecks stuff, burandts guys wear fxr, Chris you still allowed to wear Tobe? Lol.



Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Hit the nail on the head!! I run into way more guys to proud of their purchase to admit it's a paper weight. This is why I miss building mod sleds for my friends with their money. Then I could tell everyone what works and what didn't because I just didn't care lol.

News flash, You are the nail he hit on the head , second line of second paragraph, C'mon man tell me you knew he was talking about you, cause everyone else knew. Lol.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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grande prairie
I would like to know how to get sponsored by a manufacturer?? I know many riders as many of you I"m sure do also would be their dream to ride a free sled and promote a product.. Im just curious why this doesn't go around to other people more often? I guarantee may people would do this for next to no money just to do the thing they love most.. Don't take this post the wrong way chris is a awesome guy also , it is just a question..


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
I would like to know how to get sponsored by a manufacturer?? I know many riders as many of you I"m sure do also would be their dream to ride a free sled and promote a product.. Im just curious why this doesn't go around to other people more often? I guarantee may people would do this for next to no money just to do the thing they love most.. Don't take this post the wrong way chris is a awesome guy also , it is just a question..

How many of those people you know could dedicated 100% of their time to it and not have a full time regular job. Just looking around at the riders that are sponsored now it's a full time gig. And it's also about your resume just because your the best rider in the world doesn't mean your sponsorship material. Your ethics and public perception are important aswell. I know some guys that could outside almost anyone but they would also ride well into off limits areas and caribou closures


Active VIP Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Stony Plain
LOL well Dwayne you have to move to the mountains and live In some ones basement quit your job eat mac and cheese and split firewood for gas money and ride everyday until you spank everyone at XGAMES or in the hill climb series get into a movie and pull off some life threating drops and boom some one will give you a sled. Then when your that good you get to charge people to teach them how to ride and then you should be able to buy a steak for supper.

Hope this helps lol.


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
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Edmonton Alberta, Canada
There are so many unsung Hero's in the sledding community. It's not much different than other professional sports. Only the best and truly committed get noticed (as Chrisco said above) and then only 1% of those will ever get a free gig, if you call what they do for said "free sled" freedom. You no longer get to ride when and where you want and when you want to ride your actually at tradeshow etc oh and don't forget, your now always on show so drinking, chasing the opposite sex and such are "off limits" most of the time.
I take my hat off to all those riders who rose above the rest to get the recognition for all their hard work and commitment to our deserve the sponsorship.

Sent from my Phone while sitting on the side of the road.....maybe.
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