Charges Pending and Charges Possible are two completely different things. It seems like more sensationalism from the media to me.
Do yourselves a favor, STOP reading the rag papers like the Sun, all they do is shorten YOUR life via stress... Life is too short to let the dumb azz reporters get you all rilled up and stop you from seeing the beauty of the day.
oh oh thats not good for those involved
the sad thing is the revy club is probably going to get lumped into this as well and they had squat to do with it
dont know if this is true or not but have heard that dave was approached friday night and asked to cancel the event ...
and the longer dave hides the worse it looks .......
so you feel hes guilty and should be charged?
i dont see how they could charge anyone, it is your own choice if you want to sled up a hill. it's no ones fault, bad sh@t happens. unfortunately sometimes to good people.