Active member
We try our best not to moderate most of threads even when they are questionable. We have some guidelines we follow when addressing a single post versus an entire thread. When we Censor we usually pull the thread from view so we can discuss it to determine if it is really a problem or not. It's better that 12 Mods have input than one single person make the decision. When we moderate a single comment on a thread it is not uncommon for the Mod to send a PM to the member letting that person know why.
Sometimes the thread mysteriously returns with some changes, sometimes not.
Bbtoys is correct on one thing, we often know more about what is happening in the background but are not at liberty to share that info and that makes it difficult too.
We do attempt to keep complaints first hand versus "I heard from a buddy that..."
It's tough Mod'n some of the threads/post because I sometimes agree with comments made, but we as Mods try and look at the bigger picture for the site and the members.
We are doomed to fail either way because we can't please everyone, but that's ok, we just do our best.
Snotty...good to have you back on the know if I Mod your posty I will always let you know or leave a bunny poopy
Thanks for the honest feedback from the Peeps, this is how we continue to change and grow the site.
I agree and appreciate the following portion of the above statement despite my current difficulty expressing my first hand opinion:
"It's tough Mod'n some of the threads/post because I sometimes agree with comments made, but we as Mods try and look at the bigger picture for the site and the members.
We are doomed to fail either way because we can't please everyone, but that's ok, we just do our best."