Kaz Dog - how did it go yesterday? Any surprises?
Also, the temperatures this weekend are not looking very promising. High of -15, wind chill taking it to -25. Is there any thought of pushing that back a week? The turnout might be much better.
Hello all!
I would be willing to help in any way possible as I live in Okotoks. I've just been in contact with the membership co-ordinator for the Calg Snowmobile Club and plan on becoming a member too. I have recently gotten back into the sport and had contacted the CSC about membership and local riding areas. I've found out how bad the damage is in the Cataract Creek area and would like to help out if I can.
Look forward to any info on what I could do, as well as meeting fellow riders!
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Would love have you along for some trail maintenance volunteering would you like to go this Saturday, given the forecast?
Get a general opinion and mabe make the call Thursday.They have already raised the high temp for Saturday to -11.
Any pic's from Sunday and how was the snow coverage?
Thanks Scott for all your work getting this going,i think last Saturday went well and we got lots open there is still lots to do and more snow will help for sure but snow was good for this time of year for sure, i would like to say thanks to the two guys on the Polaris rmk600s and the two guys on the xp 800s that came with our group all day i said i would forget you names lol we missed you guys at the meal after the day at staging area so i would just like to say thanks for all your guys help that day we had a great day and got lots done and made the big jobs go easier Thanks again