Bill Daley
Active VIP Member
why do that no ones there with him so it must be cancelled
You know what Longhorn? You should just start without us :d
You know what Longhorn? You should just start without us :d
Im gonna for sure...Its gonna be GREAT!!
so then are we to assume after this the event is actually over
Well, I have no plans on stopping, so there may never be an end...
well i figured this chits still a go, im ready to go.
call longhorn he has the details
so.... so i get this straight its going to start and never stop similar to post whoring
hey longhorn,so whats the deal , is it still on or should i just get mad now.
Thats how I picture it going down...
ok so where
Ill get more bwb's since you are back
I dont know where i am...
u didnt leave a b'day cake trail???
PS= i want some b'day cake
I invited her, but she had school, AND heard it was cancelled...WTF?