Can you believe the IDIOTS in Ontario?


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2014
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swift current saskatchewan
I think they could easily turn around the manufacturing sector but left wing governments aren't going to let it happen. Saskatchewan has a ton of successful manufacturing companies.


Apr 26, 2014
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Red Deer
I could not agree more thats enough of our money heading there, I mean newfoundland gives them money for petes sake, the reailty of it is the Public service unions got behind the liberals and put out a major smear campaign striking fear in the hearts of the people of Ontario when in reality the conservatives wanted to cut spending, and yes maybe to far to the right but who am i to say but Ontario is broke and can not maintian the rate of their spending so what do you do, the cost of everything is continuing to go up so to be fiscally responsible you need to cut where you can and to bad for them the cuts need to be major and deep, provinces need to be ran like bussiness this is what you have come in from taxes and other forms of revenue look at what you put out then forcast your budgets, there will always be deficits thats a fact of life but you need to find new ways to generate income and well unfortunately sometimes that means higher taxes and less handouts, the liberals have proven they cannot manage the province they have resources like the ring of fire that will provide income to the province, and yes i am sure all the green peace people will tell us how negative the impacts of that will be but at the end of the day ontario is on a have not province and is it fair they sit on there riches and we give them handouts i think not, if this offends anyone to bad.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
try telling this to our BC teachers who have now screwed up the last of the school year by going on strike.

I could not agree more thats enough of our money heading there, I mean newfoundland gives them money for petes sake, the reailty of it is the Public service unions got behind the liberals and put out a major smear campaign striking fear in the hearts of the people of Ontario when in reality the conservatives wanted to cut spending, and yes maybe to far to the right but who am i to say but Ontario is broke and can not maintian the rate of their spending so what do you do, the cost of everything is continuing to go up so to be fiscally responsible you need to cut where you can and to bad for them the cuts need to be major and deep, provinces need to be ran like bussiness this is what you have come in from taxes and other forms of revenue look at what you put out then forcast your budgets, there will always be deficits thats a fact of life but you need to find new ways to generate income and well unfortunately sometimes that means higher taxes and less handouts, the liberals have proven they cannot manage the province they have resources like the ring of fire that will provide income to the province, and yes i am sure all the green peace people will tell us how negative the impacts of that will be but at the end of the day ontario is on a have not province and is it fair they sit on there riches and we give them handouts i think not, if this offends anyone to bad.
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