Calgary mayor & NHL


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Best mayor in the world ?.....fricken joke iw what he is and a flaming ndp fanatic. Raised my taxes every values going down and taxes are going up Ya he is awsome ...we are getting more bycicle lanes though

As a business owner in Calgary I loathe the ndp and there taxes. However We need the $ for transit and police to keep this skyrocketing crime rate in check. Nenshi is a flamer for sure but I don't think he's half as bad as the premier or his predecessor considering the challenges our city is faced with. Now let's burn some gas!!!!

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Active VIP Member
Mar 18, 2007
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Best mayor in the world ?.....fricken joke iw what he is and a flaming ndp fanatic. Raised my taxes every values going down and taxes are going up Ya he is awsome ...we are getting more bycicle lanes though

Social media wh*re just like Trudeau. That's how politicians get elected these days.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
I was mostly giving you a hard time. I am an Oilers fan as well...... That being said though, like religion, politics should stay out of sports, and visa versa. We (the public) should not be on the hook for one red cent of a new facility for a professional sports team/league. We don't pay for a new building when any other business wants to relocate.... the NHL isn't magical or special IMO.

I'm of the minority who believes that the city/province (any city/province) should be a partner in civic arena projects and sports facilities. These facilities improve the quality of life and the draw to a city. Governments fund Art Galleries, civic theaters, parks etc. Broadway Across Canada utilizes the Jubilee Auditorium to host patron paid shows, The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra utilizes the Windspear Centre as well as other concert promoter sponsored patron pay events, Our city parks are utilized by concert promoters to host events and festivals all of which the promoters hope to realize a profit. In return the city gains entertainment value, patron spending and exposure.

Edmonton is already the 3rd busiest concert venue in Canada (based on ticket sales) with a limited amount of capacity and the new arena will ensure we remain strong. Pretty tough to justify a 2-300M tax expense in this economic climate but like the CEO of Marriot Hotels stated yesterday at the announcement of a new JW Marriot in the Ice District “Obviously, you’ve got a situation around the world where oil prices are declining. … In many respects, for those who have got boldness and vision, this is probably exactly the time to act.”

Calgary needs a new area, I just hope they can get through all the planning and financing BS quicker than Edmonton did...... (fawk that is painful to say.....I hate Calgay)
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