waters got to be a little cold
Don't be so dramatic....It's a honda it's not dead...just wet. I thought you told me the real reason you were standing in the puddle was to hide the fact that you pizzed your pants when it bucked you....:d
eh i need to get your number from you got my tax check so im looking at getting those tires from you hopefully they help save me from this kind of problem next time snorkels would help to till then i get to do some oil changes does anyone know if it would hurt to use old oil from the last time i did an oil change to flush the water out then put new stuff in or do i have to use new stuff right from the start?? just seems like an awful waste of money. thanks all.
Drain the oil...pull the spark plug...use the pull cord to pump it over and get excess water out....Then put 1/2 the recommended oil in...and a new filter, new spark plug...start and run 30 sec....drain oil....put 1/2 reccommended again run 30 sec (same filter) drain, pull filter put on new filter fill up with fresh oil...good to go...next time don't hit it in 4th.....we were in deepeer water than that the other weekend...and YOU pulled ME out
I hit that same hole with my 02 Honda Rubicon last spring and sunk it about the same depth. To much sand in the bottom and no way of getting the front end up in the air you just spin and sink. I drained my airbox, pulled the plug, turned it over till the water stopped comeing out then checked the oil, it was fine. Drained the oil when I got home and there was no water in it whatso ever.