Nice Pic ! we are coming up this weekend and first time to Blue. looking forward to seeing what the area has to offer. Where was this shot taken ?Huge thanks to Blue River Sledz, Digger and his brother for taking us where we never would have dreamed of. We had an incredible time and will be back again. Fingers crossed for blue skys again to get back into the alpine. Have a great season!!!
The maps are not great but there are around 150 + wildlife closure signs in the alpine at every conceivable place that a rider could go out of bounds so it's not hard to figure out. And that's where my frustration come in We placed the signs which is as hard a task as possible to accomplish all done by volunteers on our own sleds and our own dime for fuel and damage associated with running your sled into tree wells so you can post sign in a high enough and visible location. The clubs in the province have taken on a huge task to make sure sledding is not completely banned in the mountains all at each clubs expense. The biologists are just waiting for us to fail and with actions of a few they are getting the results that they want to see. So be aware of where you are you will see a sign at some point.Is there anywhere online a guy can get a detailed map showing Blueriver Riding Areas and Boundary's. I know Valemont has there's posted on here but have not been able to find anything on Blue River. If they are posted on here excuse my blind comment and kindly direct me to the thread.