Yea looks like the days of off roading are coming to an end. This might just be a fee that actually helps with cleaning up crown land and goes after those who make the mess in the first place but more likely will be just a fee that the goverment collects and we never see any benefit from and goes up every year till it becomes unaffordable to camp on crown land anymore and no longer allowed to ride in most places as is already happening and the places you are still allowed to use cut up into small areas requiring you to load up to go anywhere. Like fishing licences that you have to buy but not allowed to keep any fish camping passes you have to buy but not allowed to ride anywhere. To bad Brian Jean didn't get the PC leadership he seamed like someone who would have looked out for the average Albertan and our right to use crown land but now we ether get more of the same or worse yet a return of the NDP.