Google 170 mods. For $40 you can get a knockoff walbro carb and some good dogs. Take a Dremel to your muffler and it is a completely different saw. Took me 10min to tune the carb and it rips now. Starts with 2-3 pulls cold.It’s really nice how the 170 never leaks a drop of anything,that reason alone it’s my go to saw unless there’s enough cutting to do with the bigger ones.
No I haven't. I will probably grab one on Amazon. For now I was going by the 4 stroking sound. Clean while loaded up and then if I back it out of the wood a bit, it 4 strokes. Mind you, I'm completely new to this. Got 3 tanks through it today and still running for now haha261 is a great choice for future. I’m a bigger is better kind of guy. Mine is a 361 ported and polished, rips pretty good now.