Apologies for the Boulder mountain incident last weekend


Supporting Vendors
Oct 2, 2009
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revelstoke b.c.
It has taken some time to get up to the cabin to see what if any damages were done by the " cabin riders".. I had a group of friends from Alberta who went up to have a look at the roof when no snow on it and they are reporting to me that they do not see any noticeable damages. However, I did speak to the Cowboy rider and he admitted to riding off the end of the roof but apparently did not feel it necessary to apologize to the club in writing. I might note he only contacted me once we idenitified him. I suggested a written apology, but I guess he decided it wasn't a big deal. They other Yami roof rider has also not felt it important to own up to the club. He has told someone he felt bad but not bad enough to actually apologize to the club.
I have spoke to one of the gals ( the gorilla) and she is the only one to contact me regarding the event. She has been lucky enough to keep her name out of things and in all fairness has tried to step forward and take responsibility for hers and the others actions. The silver suited gal has not felt it necessary to contact the club in anyway to make any comments or apologies. She is a club member and I thought perhaps she might take some actions to apologize to the club but rather made an apology on this forum I guess hoping that the club would be looking for it on here.????

Revelstoke had a great year and are hoping to see everyone back next year to once again enjoy. We however will not be extending this invite to any events such as the "roof riders annual" . It is hard enough to work with government to keep our areas open but to have sledders themselves work against our efforts is disheartning.

We look forward to welcoming you all back to Revy next season. Enjoy your summer and take care


John Cambell

Active member
Nov 20, 2012
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wtf else would you like? they apologize, admit guilt and want to pay restitution,,, get off your high horse, you've nevr fawked up? never mde a bad decision and regretted it? they facked up (and i have no connection to these peeps, just so u don't think i have other motives) they didn't murder, rape, maim,,,,they wanna make it right, sooo no? hang em? aaaand the main reason I'm saying this is because ur obviously using an alter,,,if u feel that strongly at least use ur real handle, stop bein a pussy hidin behind HID......now FLAME ON FLAMER

I 100% agree. That is what is wrong with the world today. Wether they fessed up cause the got caught, of fessed up cause they wanted to, doesn't matter. They are attempting to make it right in the end. Good for them. Lets all carry on


Active VIP Member
Mar 11, 2012
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vernon bc
sounds like sheena thomas and victoria prebushewski also goes by victoria preb on facbook.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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medicine hat
all these threads about this and how the hell did he get on the roof, its 20 feet above the snow and the season just started, last year in march there still was a good 6 feet to go... or am i missing something here...

for the record i have done a few domb things in the past as well, live and learn lets say... and dont do it again


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
Nope. The snow was up to the bottom of the rafters last year. I was there but one 1/2 of the doo talk ride was out , it socked in and the cabin was packed.

A few of us know boulder good and took some peeps with us.

sent from my htc


Active member
Nov 15, 2011
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all over
Yes Please more pic.
Me 3



Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2006
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calgary ab
i was there that weekend and saw the chit show your right there is no place for that kind of moronic manuever at all way too much booze and no common sense little gorilla girl was ballen her eyes out cause they could not find little blondie who was not dressed for the weather and apparently seperated from the group our group did go and do a search for her only to find out she was pukn up her guts behind a tree at the cabin azzhats all
you will recognize them at the bars in town as im sure they are on the mom and dad pay system you will find them asking for a beer and seven straws grow up little ones life lessons come pretty quick and the outcomes are not allways pleasent having said that there is no harm in having fun and expressing ones self but be respectful of thy self and the rest of those around you if you cry wolf too much help is a long ways away
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