I'm a smart, good mechanic! That blows your theory outta the water.
I'm a lic. HD tech, i'm allowed to make fun of my own kind. And no I'm not smrt.
I'm a smart, good mechanic! That blows your theory outta the water.
I'm a lic. HD tech, i'm allowed to make fun of my own kind. And no I'm not smrt.
Hmmm, I didn't think you were smart either.....
Nice to know you care, thanks buddy.
I'm a lic. HD tech, i'm allowed to make fun of my own kind. And no I'm not smrt.
Same here!
Me three, I'll be in town after the long weekend. You can buy me beers at the Croft and we can make fun of RZR101.
Lived here since 1980. Have never been in the Croft.