Amy Winehouse OD??died!


Active VIP Member
Jan 16, 2010
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UOTE=Pinner;1207595]How do you feel about mental illness, addictions and disorders ? No pity, empathy or compassion ?[/QUOTE]Not really sorry at all actually!!!Was she born with a needle in her arm!!!She had money so she had more access to help than some idiot doing drugs because they feel sorry for themselves for being in a crap situation!!M y wife is a nurse who sees these sh.. for brains that are under 30 and burned out and with mental disorders caused by drugs that are either on government assistance or ready for full time care!!!My kids will be supporting these a..holes for the rest of their lives because of choices THEY made!!!!One good thing is she has some of these idiots in her family so at least I can say is that is what drugs do to you!!!!My kids are not even teenagers yet and they know that doing drugs is stupid!So I don't feel sorry at all for anyone who od's!!!Maybe anyone who is hooked on drugs and hates themselves that much should be given a bunch of cash to go have a good time one last time!!!!!Save all the money that is going to wasted on them for rehab or jail and spend it on kids that have REAL illnesses(cancer and such),these kids will make more of a difference than some burned out drug addicts!!!!!!

Iron Horse Racing

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Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
Having family members who have battled addictions all their lives and are just ordinary people not a celebrity. I do have sympathy for her, addictions are not always their is easy to say just turn a away don't do it, I know I have for years said that to my sister and have not understood what drives her back to a destructive behavior that has ruined her and her families lives.

I watched my dad try hopelessly for years to help her, it seemed to work then something would draw her back....

She was a good looking gal with talent that had lots of possibilities in her life that couldn't steer past her addictions, there are tons of them out there...

Add huge amounts of money and some amount of celebrity to the equation and wow anyone with an additive personality wouldn't last much beyond the short amount of 27 years ....

Thank god it's not you....

It's just the same as some people cant help being an ass or stupid or ugly.... some over come the problems and some don't...

Didn't know her or her story...but with the media the way it is....I wouldn't want to be her family either....



Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Red Deer area
Having family members who have battled addictions all their lives and are just ordinary people not a celebrity. I do have sympathy for her, addictions are not always their is easy to say just turn a away don't do it, I know I have for years said that to my sister and have not understood what drives her back to a destructive behavior that has ruined her and her families lives.

I watched my dad try hopelessly for years to help her, it seemed to work then something would draw her back....

She was a good looking gal with talent that had lots of possibilities in her life that couldn't steer past her addictions, there are tons of them out there...

Add huge amounts of money and some amount of celebrity to the equation and wow anyone with an additive personality wouldn't last much beyond the short amount of 27 years ....

Thank god it's not you....

It's just the same as some people cant help being an ass or stupid or ugly.... some over come the problems and some don't...

Didn't know her or her story...but with the media the way it is....I wouldn't want to be her family either....

I'm sorry about your sister dude...but honestly, somewhere back in the past, SHE made a big mistake...not you, not your dad...SHE did. Addictions are ultimately the fault of the person who is is NOT the same as being born stupid and ugly. (I got those down, no problem) I don't buy this "alcoholism/addiction is a disease" crap. That's a cop-out.


Active VIP Member
Sep 5, 2008
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cremona, ab
I'm sorry about your sister dude...but honestly, somewhere back in the past, SHE made a big mistake. Addictions are ultimately the fault of the person who is is NOT the same as being born stupid and ugly. (I got those down, no problem) I don't buy this "alcoholism/addiction is a disease" crap. That's a cop-out.

i just finished reading abook by a cop in a canadaian city. he works the hood and inner city. his book is basically a collection of short stories about events that he has gone thru on the job. one was about a 13 year old girl that got addicted to crack. she ran away and was gone for several months. this cop found her one day getrtting high with her uncle. they called the parents and he told them straight up, your daughter is dead. the girl you knew is no longer. she will steal, lie, and basically destroy your lives trying to get more drugs!! the best line he had that really sticks with me is this "i'm not saying your daughter is gonna follow this road, but i've never seen anyone take a different road!"

this is the book:

very good read and very insightful into the everyday dealings that cops have with the less desirables in our society


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
I have shared your thoughts re addictions, I have spent countless hours in that environment trying understand it so I could possibly help the friends and family members that have been caught up in alcohol and drug addictions....I have volunteered my time along with my kids time at various shelters to expose them to the real life side of where the misuse of drugs and alcohol can lead a person. One of the more common addictions that I've never understood as it's effects are so radically different then the misuse of drugs and alcohol, is watching people that claim they want to quit smoking and cant seem to do it....some do many don't and or keep going back...

I agree that there are far to many that take the easy way out of a problem or troubled life and just try to drink there way out and follow that path.....but I'm also been convinced that there are some that just get hooked on drugs and alcohol and there bodies craving it so so powerful that they cant give it up....Even with support, intervention and medical treatment. It's that lack of will power that has always baffled me.

I'm sorry about your sister dude...but honestly, somewhere back in the past, SHE made a big mistake...not you, not your dad...SHE did. Addictions are ultimately the fault of the person who is is NOT the same as being born stupid and ugly. (I got those down, no problem) I don't buy this "alcoholism/addiction is a disease" crap. That's a cop-out.


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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A little soon to be making jokes about her death. We don't even know the cause of death yet.

It doesn't take rocket appliances to realize she died from an overdose. Look at her....... she was a nasty piece of work, she did drugs every day, classic junkie and therefore a complete waste of skin in my eyes. I have no sympathy for that kind of person. Im surprised she made it this long


Active VIP Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Just too many children on this board to have a serious discussion about addiction, "it" happens, and it's probably not far away from anyone of us. Take a look around you! or in the mirror.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
If there is truth to this article.....I'm not gonna stop drinking cold turkey. I haven't had a drink since last Friday but decided to have a couple of cold Coronas with a slice of lime after reading this article. Didn't want to take a chance....


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Just too many children on this board to have a serious discussion about addiction, "it" happens, and it's probably not far away from anyone of us. Take a look around you! or in the mirror.

What children......? That whole "addiction" is a "disease" is just a cop out, oh boooh hooo hooo, I started smoking crack cause I have a disease, I swear I couldn't help it, my disease made me do it, bullchit.... it is just like "the voices in my head made me kill that person", is there no such thing as taking responsibility for being an idiot or making stupid decisions anymore? There is always an excuse....., its either where they live, the family they came from, who their friends are....... and the list goes on. So if you sympathize with these people, maybe you should look in the mirror or around you


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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What does that mean?

Im just saying if he can sympathize with that kind of person, he himself must not be far off or someone around him isn't far off....... he tells me to look in the mirror or around me.... what does that mean?.......... like I said I could care less about some junkie so I distance myself from that chit, I dont care who it is, best friend, sister, brother..... if your a junkie I won't give ya the time of day
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