ALS donations only 27% going to research


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Calgary, Alberta
Steve D I've been pissing on big Pharma and medical's parade for years. Why. Because I found out years ago there are alternative measures to deal with these disease's we have been faced with for many years. Every year medical pull herbs from the shelves of health food stores. They say it's because the common person does not have enough medical know how to administer these herbs. But really it's because the herbs are curing people and big pharma can't make hoards of money because they can not patent herbs.

Let's face it. Cancer and all the other things that are killing people is a multi multi billion dollar business. Cancer is curable. I'm living proof and I won't say anymore about it on a public forum. Medical has been trying to shut down the people who have helped me for years. That's why I love to piss on their parade.
Dallas Buyers Club was an awesome movie about just that. Pretty incredible story.

I'm not trying to get people to stop donating, but for them to think about where their money is going and why.


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I'll give you this much. If you looking for a solution for yourselves or your loved ones do a Google search on parasites and pathagons and Dr. Hulda Clark. I believe parasites are root of all evil in the human body. When I brought this subject up with my oncologist he treated me like I was retarded. Pffft.


Active VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
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Princeton bc
All the money may not go to research but they really help ALS sufferers. When my dad was diagnosed with ALS in 2008 it was amazing the support he got from the ALS society. They provide wheelchairs ffrom the manual ones to the electric one he used until the end. All the various lifts were installed in his house to get him around and not a cent was asked from him.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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All donations to any organization are the same, Red Cross, cancer, MS etc, always have been the same, donations keep the research going keeping the researchers employed, so the pharmaceutical companies can make more money off the suffering of others!

Maybe my dad would have been around a bit longer if a certain research society would of helped him with providing the meds he required when he called and asked. He definitely could not afford them!! But he donated money everytime he was asked.

Take MS for example I know lots who traveled to Mexico to have the procedure done and have walked normally out of the operating room.

I also know how much the drugs cost to treat MS. Same as cancer.

Think about it for a second and put yourself in the shoes of the CEO of a research company or pharmaceutical company if there were cures they would be out of a job!!!

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Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Funny it's ok for someone driving around in the bush changing a chart once a week to make $120k a year but people running multi million dollar charity is supposed to work for free? A good chunk of the money raise goes to education and patient support.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Funny it's ok for someone driving around in the bush changing a chart once a week to make $120k a year but people running multi million dollar charity is supposed to work for free? A good chunk of the money raise goes to education and patient support.

I'm not saying donating is a bad thing. Every case and scenario is differant. I just can't forget the look of extreme disappointment on my dad's face when he got off the phone looking for help. So the ice bucket and movember movements make me wonder.

I remember watching a report on CTV years ago that the U of A found a way to treat and shrink cancer cells but the biggest problem is the treatment is cheap.

So Yah got it!! IMO Finding a cure would be bad for business, for both the research and drug companies.

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Steve D

Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Well, technically, the best way to cure every disease and get rid of the parasites would be to convince the private corporations to stop spraying the chemtrails from planes in the first place. Sadly, convincing the general public of this hazard has been difficult and we end up looking like nut jobs. It's all in the marketing and the zionist bastards have that nailed!


GBCA Member
May 5, 2009
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Calmer, formerly of the GBCA
Why is everyone so bass akwards these day. Why does everyone always have to try to debunk and beat down everything. Even if it's for a good cause we will as a society find something negative to try to derail it.

Even if they do only get 27% of said 100M.... Correct me if I'm wrong.... That's 27 million ALS wouldn't have had if the ice bucket challenge never happened. Pretty good for the cause IMO.

And I think if you had to sit and watch a loved ones health degenerate to the point the can't feed themselves then you may feel differently.

If you don't want to partake then don't..... But why would you talk it down and complain about it...... God forbid us who spend 10's of thousands on sleds and parts and fuel and trucks and trailers ( which don't see 1% go to a good cause) should be " peer pressured into doing something stupid and donating 10$ of our " hard earned cash" to something that may help someone's life be a little more comfortable. And in the process try to get your friends who deff. Have the 10$ to spare to do the same.

Quit bitching about it and go give 10$ to local charity for phuck sakes. you don't even seen to dump a bucket of " precious clean water" on your head

john s

Active VIP Member
May 9, 2009
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wouldn't it be better if they got $50 million instead of 27?

Sent from my iPhone while wishing the snow was gone so I can go dirt biking.
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