Planning on taking the "stabbin cabin" to Kelowna next week and some guys at work were warning me of having Alberta plates in BC. Things like it must still have the cats, no cracks in the window ect ect.
Planning on taking the "stabbin cabin" to Kelowna next week and some guys at work were warning me of having Alberta plates in BC. Things like it must still have the cats, no cracks in the window ect ect.
if the vehicle in the picture is the vehicle you will be driving, yeah, you stand a good chance of getting checked out.Planning on taking the "stabbin cabin" to Kelowna next week and some guys at work were warning me of having Alberta plates in BC. Things like it must still have the cats, no cracks in the window ect ect.
I pulled through kelowna yesterday pulling a 34 ft trailer and this is not the place you want to be! 2.5 hrs to go from ok falls (westbank) to kelowna airport...f. K...n nuts!
also came from the interior and traveled to Vancouver and back to Vernon and only seen two cops, one had a lady in her 70s pulled over in a new convertible vette... Bet cha he was suprised when she stepped out. Besides there's so many people to pick on this weekend you'll more then likely slip through the cracks.
I've been travelling in BC for over twenty years now and have yet to be pulled over by the Cops. Like Crazy Wheeler said. Don't drive like an idiot an, you shouldn't have any issues.
"Sounds like yah get to be the "OH DEAR LORD! ANOTHER CORNER! THIS TIME ON A HILL OH HELP ME GOD I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOOO!" type that the rest of uslove." Steve D It's comments like this that prove that there are douches in every province.
Whoops... struck a nerve on a nervous Alberta driver I guess!
It's a running joke in BC during tourist season... there's a large share of american plates that are no better, but it just happens that there are a lot more alberta plates.
Fawk... take a joke.
We may or may not have pulled our boat out to the shushwap with our minivan when I was a kid haha.When I lived in the Okanagan, I used to hate it when all the red and white or green and white license plates would roll through. Slow and gawking at everything lol. Now I'm that guy whenever I go home lol.
Usually it's the minivans pulling a trailer that piss me off. Doing 125 on the straight stretches and passing lanes and 80 in the corners!