Hi there, just wondering if anyone knows of an aftermarket airfilter for a 99 arctic cat zl. the factory foam is a joke and continues to let by snow and moisture when in any kind of powder.
I would ask the Dealer how the snow can get past the foam - shouldn't happen. Perhaps you have a hose off? ... a crack in the box? Perhaps a plug missing allowing air/snow to bypass the filter?
So if the factory foam is too light/thin get the dealer (or yourself) some higher density (open celled) foam and try that. My M1000 has screens on the side of the hood to keep the snow out.
With any air filter upgrade you will want to "read your plugs" after a WOT run. Keeping the throttle wide open, shut off the KILL switch, coast to a stop and then pull the plugs to check their color, Black is rich and changing the density of the air filter will probably decrease air flow which normally would cause a rich condition.