Has anyone been to these areas lately and if so about how much snow down the pipelines. cutlines ect. would it be worth trying it out or is the snow pretty lacking any reports would be appreciated. THANKS
I have been down the 947 and ANC they have about a foot to a foot and a half
I have heard from onw of my employees that the snow down the wolf lake is almost 3 feet.
I was hoping to go down the wolf here soon
Was at Kabob yesterday and the above is pretty accurate the ditches in look like they may be allright and it was snowing when I left.The powerline looked like it could be hit and miss!
We have rode Fox Creek the last two saturdays and while the snow is not Great it is pretty good, for around here. We rode the pipeline and it was pretty stable There is no base really but the snow is up to your knees and is not tracked up really bad, also we have been getting snow every second day up here only aboutr 1 cm each time but snow is snow