Did anyone ever get there 154 3" tracks or was that just a myth
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Just asking the questions to see what more knowledgeable people think on it... Im extending my 146 2.5 to a 154 so instead of just going out and buying a new track figured id ask the question. So a 163 I have no use for its already a big step up going to a 154, gonna try something new this year
Continue on the more knowledgeable quest but you will need 7 tooth drivers and different rails. Also you could run into heating problems with such a small cooler. I have the 163 streched to the 174 and cooling can be problem on the trail with the 3.
This is on longer trails to the mountains but i see you sled in Revy so shouldn't be a problem.
The 2.5 wasn't any trouble at all. With the 7 tooth drivers it will reduce drive ratio by 8% so will help gearing.
Is everyone running the 3 inch having problems with it delaminating? Ordered a 163x3 today for my xp and hoping I don't have to change it out every year... Maybe that won't be the case since I don't make near the miles in a season maxwell does.
Any extra info on this would be appreciated.
And to add to the thread i dont think the 154x3 is in production yet. Also everything I'm reading on here and DOOTALK seems to lead me too believe that if your going to move up 2 track lengths you will have issues with heating.