Hey guys, looking for a 240 sport jet fuel pump. where to get and if there is a knockoff to have as a spare?
That was the round one in the VST aluminum case or the square external one?NAPA sell one that you just need to change wire ends on .
I pack a spare and if I recall only $80-$90.00
Sorry don’t have part #
HP pump puts out 30PSI and is mixing with oil... replaced the plugs, checked wires/coils... still nothing. going to try an ECM out of another one, any other ideas? what about reeds?
So it has spark, correct? Have you tried pulling a couple easy plugs spraying gas in the cylinder and trying to start? If it won't fire on that your timing must be the problem. Doing this will tell you if its fuel, air or ignition.
it has spark, we put fuel in a few holes at the same time and it didn't even bark... ECM swap? is there a dealer that's familiar with these Sport Jets around Edmonton?