Well right now I have a 06 m6 cat 153 and I've Rodin both a pro rmk 600 and 800 155 and 163 Compared to my old chassied cat they r are huge step up and feel way nicer and feel a lot easier to handelBut I have not rode a new cat
Well right now I have a 06 m6 cat 153 and I've Rodin both a pro rmk 600 and 800 155 and 163 Compared to my old chassied cat they r are huge step up and feel way nicer and feel a lot easier to handelBut I have not rode a new cat
My husband has the 2012 Polaris Assault 155 and I have the 2012 Pro-Climb 153. Having ridden them both, I can honestly say that they are both awesome sleds. We have not had any glitches or problems with either one.
Coming off the older M8 chassis, I prefer the new ProClimb over the Polaris: in my opinion the power/ throttle and ride height are way more comfortable. The suspension is awesome and the turning radius/response are more familiar to me.
That said, the Assault is very easy to throw around right off the hop. Less of a learning curve and not as heavy. It is also MUCH better on fuel.
Take the time to try both- I think alot of it boils down to personal preference and you have to do what is right for you. At first I liked the Assault better, but now that I have my sled dialed in for ME, I have no desire to ride anything other than my ProClimb.
I say wait another year before getting a new cat, in another month or so the new 2013"s will be sneaking out here and there. Alot more bugs will be worked out of the cats. The polairs sleds are good, im still a little nervous about the 800's, but they have been holding up great so far! give it some time id think about snow checking at this time of year, and the lack of snow the tried and true m6 would do fine to finish the season. That's my .50 cents! lol
and dont forget ski doo is rumored to release an all new chassis next year. may as well wait and see what happens. and then you may snag a good deal on last years models
IF you value a good ride without having to do alot of repairs and waste a ton of money on belts don't buy the 2012 m8 153 snopro.......its a pile.....don't get me wrong i love the ride, it climbs like no tomorrow ....... but holy f n issues not worth the money .... go buy a 2011 m8 $2000 less and a chasis thats all dialed in