Thinking on changing the track on my daughters 2010 550 RMK to something with a bigger lug. Can this be done and if so, how big of a lug can I install with out too much trouble?
Does it have a 136 track with a 1 3/4 inch track? If not, that is about all I would put on that machine. The engine will not develope enough torque to spin much more track than that without some mods. If it is struggling in deepeer powder I would try a few cheap mods first to see if it helps. You may be able to gear the machine down by changing a sprocket in the chaincase. Going with a lower ratio should help the engine spin the track a bit easier. You may be able to run some lighter shift weights and gain a few more rpm...just don't go too light or the engine will over speed. I was able to do these mods to one our old fan cooled Polaris machines in order to run a 1.5 inch paddle 121" track. Worked very well after regearing.