I've bought a 1997 Mach 1.
1) Should I put a 1.5 or 1.75 in track on it and if yes where would i get one?
2) What can I do for mods to "surprise" my buddies with there new sleds? If noisey doesn't equal more performance, then I don't want it.
3) Anyone that has had one ...What can I expect from a Stock 97' 780 Mach1?
1) Should I put a 1.5 or 1.75 in track on it and if yes where would i get one?
2) What can I do for mods to "surprise" my buddies with there new sleds? If noisey doesn't equal more performance, then I don't want it.
3) Anyone that has had one ...What can I expect from a Stock 97' 780 Mach1?