11 police shot, 4 killed at Dallas protest


Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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Police in the states shoot and kill unarmed people every single day , only a
matter of time before some people start getting fed up with it. Didn't police kill 2 unarmed
guy's day before yesterday?
Not trying to be a D*ck, just sayin.
99% of cop's that kill unarmed people walk away without being charged, prob 99%
of the ones that are charged don't spend a day in jail.
They system that let's murderer's walk free can take blame for someone going off the deep
end like this.
A article came up on my FB page about this and this particular incident and then the article continued with a recent review's of police shooting's that black people were killed. I am guessing that about 20 per cent did loss there jobs and some were convicted of manslaughter or murder. The descriptions of each incident was fairly short but based on some I read a there should have been more police charged but again like I pointed out the descriptions were short and I have no idea if they were accurate.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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A article came up on my FB page about this and this particular incident and then the article continued with a recent review's of police shooting's that black people were killed. I am guessing that about 20 per cent did loss there jobs and some were convicted of manslaughter or murder. The descriptions of each incident was fairly short but based on some I read a there should have been more police charged but again like I pointed out the descriptions were short and I have no idea if they were accurate.

Video camera's have been in the hand's of the general public for a fairly short amount of time and youtube prob.
has thousand's of bystander made video's of brutality and even death's of people from power crazy police. And
you have to keep in mind only a VERY VERY small amount of police/civilian interactions are recorded by someone.
The vast majority of police that are filmed commiting assault or murder at most loose their job, charges are seldom
laid, and a very small amount of charges laid are ever convicted of anything.
A civilian has a 0% chance of not be charged if he or she was filmed smashing someone's face in or killing someone.
The justice system protect's all police good or bad as one of their own.That is maybe what made this dude that went on
the shooting spree go off of the deep end? I have no idea.
The number's I looked up say from jan-june 580 people were shot and killed by police.
26 police were killed by civilian's.That's 2200% from one to the other.
I'm not trying to be a "hater" I'm just pointing out the number's are insane.
The last officer convicted for a shooting death was 2013 he got 3 years.(In jail not prison)
3700 shooting death's since 2013, 1 officer charged and convicted. That's .00027%
20% of police charged get convicted , when they are convicted it's small sentences.
(I think) 85% of civilian's charged are convicted.


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Jun 26, 2008
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I know our population is very small compared to the US but I am sure that per ca-pita we have way less incidents although we do have them and even the RCMP have been victims as well but as you mention the access to AR's in the state's causes more lives lost per incident this one being an example of that and the Florida one in recent times. There have been many others in the past all causing more life's lost than a typical hunting fire arm can.

I fail to see how access to an AR has anything to do with this?? There are plenty of non restricted semi autos available in Canada.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Video camera's have been in the hand's of the general public for a fairly short amount of time and youtube prob.
has thousand's of bystander made video's of brutality and even death's of people from power crazy police. And
you have to keep in mind only a VERY VERY small amount of police/civilian interactions are recorded by someone.
The vast majority of police that are filmed commiting assault or murder at most loose their job, charges are seldom
laid, and a very small amount of charges laid are ever convicted of anything.
A civilian has a 0% chance of not be charged if he or she was filmed smashing someone's face in or killing someone.
The justice system protect's all police good or bad as one of their own.That is maybe what made this dude that went on
the shooting spree go off of the deep end? I have no idea.
The number's I looked up say from jan-june 580 people were shot and killed by police.
26 police were killed by civilian's.That's 2200% from one to the other.
I'm not trying to be a "hater" I'm just pointing out the number's are insane.
The last officer convicted for a shooting death was 2013 he got 3 years.(In jail not prison)
3700 shooting death's since 2013, 1 officer charged and convicted. That's .00027%
20% of police charged get convicted , when they are convicted it's small sentences.
(I think) 85% of civilian's charged are convicted.

3700 people shot by police - wow!
Are these numbers US wide - again wow
How many where justified shootings. How may times have officers had guns pointed at them over the same period. How many officers wounded - they seem to get shot at a lot!
Cops are trained when to shoot, civilians are not so ya lopsided stats.
Pretty sure a cop does not start his shift with a quota to shoot - it the **** day he get's dealt
What lifestyle are these good people's children living that they come into the line of fire????????
Why are there no white people going crazy protesting after the officers where blatantly murdered????

Good grief lets at least take a peak on the other side of the fence.
If the cop is actually guilty sure - but they deal with the scum of the earth.
The bigger problem is society. Some need to look within for where the problem's solution lies - not blame the world when it's short comings surface.
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Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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I fail to see how access to an AR has anything to do with this?? There are plenty of non restricted semi autos available in Canada.
I doubt if there are nearly as many as in the states and that does not change the fact that in the hands of someone whose goal is to kill as many people as possible the body count goes way up. We are all are welcome to post our thoughts and I see no practical need for AR's. I know there are some people that enjoy shooting them that will never be a danger to society but can controled access be the answer so that people bent on taking lives can't just pick one up at walmart and take it home.


Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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3700 people shot by police - wow!
Are these numbers US wide - again wow
How many where justified shootings. How may times have officers had guns pointed at them over the same period. How many officers wounded - they seem to get shot at a lot!
Cops are trained when to shoot, civilians are not so ya lopsided stats.
Pretty sure a cop does not start his shift with a quota to shoot - it the **** day he get's dealt
What lifestyle are these good people's children living that they come into the line of fire????????
Why are there no white people going crazy protesting after the officers where blatantly murdered????

Good grief lets at least take a peak on the other side of the fence.
If the cop is actually guilty sure - but they deal with the scum of the earth.
The bigger problem is society. Some need to look within for where the problem's solution lies - not blame the world when it's short comings surface.
I had another video apear on facebook with a black mother concern on black on black crime as her friends nine year old daughter was killed in a drive by shooting while doing her homework. I totally agree with you that the majority of police(even in the states) do not go to work with the intent of filling a quotas of hurting a certain race. In the Dallas shootings it looked like it was a peaceful gathering about a subject that people gathering felt strongly about which is there right. Some of these people where wounded and many more would have been but almost all of the officers main concerns where to get people out of harms way and in the footage I saw they did an excellent job of that. The shooter's goals were to kill white police officer's but he did it in such a way that many black people were potentially collateral damage and I am sure a few officer's were either killed or wounded protecting these people because it is there job which is inherently more dangerous than most occupations. In no way am I saying there are not some bad police officer's out there but I am sure they are in the minority but when there actions lead to deaths that can be avoided they are betraying all the officers who do there jobs well.
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Active VIP Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I think the difference is in Canada a firearms license is required not just Id. FYI maybe not Walmart but you can pick up an sks at Canadian Tire.


Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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I think the difference is in Canada a firearms license is required not just Id. FYI maybe not Walmart but you can pick up an sks at Canadian Tire.

Canuck tire just started selling larger caliber firearm fairly recently I recall


Active VIP Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Canuck tire just started selling larger caliber firearm fairly recently I recall

My point being that it has less to do with the type of firearms available and more to do with the type of people who are allowed to purchase them.


Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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My point being that it has less to do with the type of firearms available and more to do with the type of people who are allowed to purchase them.
that definitely is very good point the person in the Florida incident was at one time under investigation and he still purchased a fire arm.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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that definitely is very good point the person in the Florida incident was at one time under investigation and he still purchased a fire arm.

Laws keep guns away from law abiding citizens.
If you intend on buying a gun to do harm to others there are unfortunatly lots of street vendors selling illegal guns.
Bad guys will always have their guns and the magazine laws don't apply to them.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Now for the non-politically correct perspective. The cops in the big U.S. Cities act the way they do towards the black community based on past interactions and happenings, and rely on training and an obligation to protect themselves and society as a whole.
the fact is, most violent crime in the states is either black on black or black on others. FBI stats show that about 92% of gun violence is black on black or perpetrated by blacks, and another 4% or so is related to Hispanic on Hispanic crime. Read that another way, only 4% of violent crime is committed by whites.
Approx 14-18% of the U.S. Population is black, yet between 55-65% of prison inmates are black.
When natural disasters happen down south, or during or after civil unrest, guess what demographic is taking advantage of the situation by looting and burning things? It ain't the gingers!!!
When a pro athlete is arrested for beating his wife or for drugs, which race is prominent?
Time after time black people demonstrate poor impulse control, react violently and inappropriately to situations that could easily be dealt with other ways.
Do all black people do this? No.
But no one calls the cops when people are behaving themselves. If any of us were a cop in the U.S. we'd approach any situation involving blacks differently than we would if the people were white. Your training and common sense would necessitate it. Do some cops make bad decisions? Absolutely. Most do not. And most of us will agree that when dealing with a cop, being civil and respectful gets the same in return.
Im sure this post makes all you "progressives" out there uncomfortable and that you will think I'm a racist. Too bad. The facts are the facts. Look them up.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Now for the non-politically correct perspective. The cops in the big U.S. Cities act the way they do towards the black community based on past interactions and happenings, and rely on training and an obligation to protect themselves and society as a whole.
the fact is, most violent crime in the states is either black on black or black on others. FBI stats show that about 92% of gun violence is black on black or perpetrated by blacks, and another 4% or so is related to Hispanic on Hispanic crime. Read that another way, only 4% of violent crime is committed by whites.
Approx 14-18% of the U.S. Population is black, yet between 55-65% of prison inmates are black.
When natural disasters happen down south, or during or after civil unrest, guess what demographic is taking advantage of the situation by looting and burning things? It ain't the gingers!!!
When a pro athlete is arrested for beating his wife or for drugs, which race is prominent?
Time after time black people demonstrate poor impulse control, react violently and inappropriately to situations that could easily be dealt with other ways.
Do all black people do this? No.
But no one calls the cops when people are behaving themselves. If any of us were a cop in the U.S. we'd approach any situation involving blacks differently than we would if the people were white. Your training and common sense would necessitate it. Do some cops make bad decisions? Absolutely. Most do not. And most of us will agree that when dealing with a cop, being civil and respectful gets the same in return.
Im sure this post makes all you "progressives" out there uncomfortable and that you will think I'm a racist. Too bad. The facts are the facts. Look them up.

When I lived in Mississauga in the late 80s there was some similar biotching about police and blacks and how they were unjustly portrayed. Then you where "allowed" to say more. The area I believe was North York in the Sheppard area and it was published that 8% of residents were black and were also responsible for 86% of the arrests.
Man did things get tense with protests and MORE violence and the "racist" claims for that stat going public.
That was about the same time two kids (minors) from Buffalo stole a car and tried to run over two cops with the car in TO area.
Cops opened fire at the car coming and leaving. Driver shot in back of the head - more chit hit the fan.

Nothing wrong with black people or any color but certain life styles of crime become the norm for areas of cities and I have no idea how to fix that for any race, community.
It has apparently been a long degradation of values and long term abuse.
The ugly side of the Western Society????????

ATV Rancher

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Sep 24, 2013
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South Dakota


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Police in the states shoot and kill unarmed people every single day , only a
matter of time before some people start getting fed up with it. Didn't police kill 2 unarmed
guy's day before yesterday?
Not trying to be a D*ck, just sayin.
99% of cop's that kill unarmed people walk away without being charged, prob 99%
of the ones that are charged don't spend a day in jail.
They system that let's murderer's walk free can take blame for someone going off the deep
end like this.

Ahhh, I would like to see you source (of facts ???) on this. Do you really believe what you have just posted ?????? Wow..
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Active VIP Member
May 19, 2008
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Now for the non-politically correct perspective. The cops in the big U.S. Cities act the way they do towards the black community based on past interactions and happenings, and rely on training and an obligation to protect themselves and society as a whole.
the fact is, most violent crime in the states is either black on black or black on others. FBI stats show that about 92% of gun violence is black on black or perpetrated by blacks, and another 4% or so is related to Hispanic on Hispanic crime. Read that another way, only 4% of violent crime is committed by whites.
Approx 14-18% of the U.S. Population is black, yet between 55-65% of prison inmates are black.
When natural disasters happen down south, or during or after civil unrest, guess what demographic is taking advantage of the situation by looting and burning things? It ain't the gingers!!!
When a pro athlete is arrested for beating his wife or for drugs, which race is prominent?
Time after time black people demonstrate poor impulse control, react violently and inappropriately to situations that could easily be dealt with other ways.
Do all black people do this? No.
But no one calls the cops when people are behaving themselves. If any of us were a cop in the U.S. we'd approach any situation involving blacks differently than we would if the people were white. Your training and common sense would necessitate it. Do some cops make bad decisions? Absolutely. Most do not. And most of us will agree that when dealing with a cop, being civil and respectful gets the same in return.
Im sure this post makes all you "progressives" out there uncomfortable and that you will think I'm a racist. Too bad. The facts are the facts. Look them up.
I do not consider myself a racist at all and as I posted before there was a black lady who shared that black on black crime is way more a threat then police violence as here friends 9 yr old child was killed in a drive by shooting. I have no doubt your stats are accurate. This lady also said her son was in jail and she was very careful with his upbringing and made sure he did well in school and had meaningful actives out of school to keep him out of trouble. Despite those efforts he ended up in jail no doubt being influenced by the wrong people. One prominent black sports personality is quit open on his views on this subject. He says he is blessed with a talent that earned him a incredible living but the reality is many people just do not have opportunity as there is only so many positions in pro sports. When he is in contact with young people he encourages them to set goals early as what is realistically possible and never lose focus on achieving that goal. He also says there is a responsibility in the black community to change there value system and behavior. The Dallas police chief that spoke to the media was a black man and I am sure he does a great job and who knows what background he may have risen from. Being a responsible Parent regardless of race is some thing that may correct the issue and may be the most important function a person may have in his life.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Ahhh, I would like to see you source (of facts ???) on this. Do you really believe what you have just posted ?????? Wow..

Number's are from Washington post,The Guardian and other places.580 people so far this year, 2015= 1208,2014= 1111, prior to that numbers are not accurate or kept track by anyone.Since 2005 Washington post say's approx 1000 per year, so that's approx 11,000 people shot and killed.Since 2005 65 officer's have been charged 13 were convicted.So, do the math , that's 20%.In 2015 18 were charged, zero were convicted. Do you need the
number's drawn in crayon to understand?
11000 deaths/65 charges laid = .0059% So, 99.9941% of deaths were deemed "justifiable"
approx 21% of people killed were unarmed, So approx 2310 unarmed people were killed and still police were deemed "justified" in killing them.

No where in the world do police routinely pull a gun on people except in the states and the States is 70 x more shooting deaths than other countries. (by police) Coincidence? I think not.
And for the record , the 2 black guy's shot the other day were not unarmed as I thought, both were armed.
One was a conceal carry permit holder (he told the officer that) and was shot dead reaching for his wallet in his car infront of his girlfriend or wife and 4 year old child.Other guy had a gun in his pocked and police say he reached for it while 2 cop's were on his chest with gun's already drawn.
Gun in hand with shoot to kill training = alot of dead people. Plain and simple.

Fixed my number's, my bad I screwed up somewhere and didn't notice it.
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Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Number's are from Washington post,The Guardian and other places.580 people so far this year, 2015= 1208,2014= 1111, prior to that numbers are not accurate or kept track by anyone.Since 2005 Washington post say's approx 1000 per year, so that's approx 16000 people shot and killed.Since 2005 65 officer's have been charged 13 were convicted.So, do the math , that's 20%.In 2015 18 were charged, zero were convicted. Do you need the
number's drawn in crayon to understand?

16000 deaths/65 charges laid = .004% So, 99.996% of deaths were deemed "justifiable"
approx 21% of people killed were unarmed, So approx 3360 unarmed people were killed and still police were deemed "justified" in killing them.

No where in the world do police routinely pull a gun on people except in the states and the States is 70 x more shooting deaths than other countries. (by police) Coincidence? I think not.
And for the record , the 2 black guy's shot the other day were not unarmed as I thought, both were armed.
One was a conceal carry permit holder (he told the officer that) and was shot dead reaching for his wallet in his car infront of his girlfriend or wife and 4 year old child.Other guy had a gun in his pocked and police say he reached for it while 2 cop's were on his chest with gun's already drawn.
Gun in hand with shoot to kill training = alot of dead people. Plain and simple.

In your original post you in part,wrote "99% of cop's that kill unarmed people walk away without being charged, prob 99%
of the ones that are charged don't spend a day in jail".

Your follow-up post stated "So, 99.996% of deaths were deemed "justifiable".

The term unarmed can be deceiving. For example, a suspect attempting to disarm a Police Officer may find himself getting shot. A suspect beating an Officer so bad, that the Officer feels his life is in danger may end up shooting the suspect. Someone failing to obey directions of an Officer (eg. reaching into a pocket or making a threatening move) may end up being shot.

The District Attorneys, Justice departments both State and Federal, determine charges and if the case is presented to a Grand jury. There are checks and balances in place.

If you are a criminal in the USA, you are far more likely to be shot by an armed civilian than by an Officer.

You stated: "No where in the world do police routinely pull a gun on people except in the states and the States is 70 x more shooting deaths than other countries. (by police) Coincidence? I think not."

REALLY ???? Have you ever been to Mexico or Panama or South America ??? I have, and the Police in those countries do not jack around and are not bound by "Political Correctness".
We can all toss stats around and a lot of the time, it depends on the slant a particular news outlet or agency wishes to spin to justify their agenda.

A criminal is determined by his actions, not his color. Keep your crayons, I think you need them more than I do...
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Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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In your original post you in part,wrote "99% of cop's that kill unarmed people walk away without being charged, prob 99%
of the ones that are charged don't spend a day in jail".

Your follow-up post stated "So, 99.996% of deaths were deemed "justifiable".

The term unarmed can be deceiving. For example, a suspect attempting to disarm a Police Officer may find himself getting shot. A suspect beating an Officer so bad, that the Officer feels his life is in danger may end up shooting the suspect. Someone failing to obey directions of an Officer (eg. reaching into a pocket or making a threatening move) may end up being shot.

The District Attorneys, Justice departments both State and Federal, determine charges and if the case is presented to a Grand jury. There are checks and balances in place.

If you are a criminal in the USA, you are far more likely to be shot by an armed civilian than by an Officer.

You stated: "No where in the world do police routinely pull a gun on people except in the states and the States is 70 x more shooting deaths than other countries. (by police) Coincidence? I think not."

REALLY ???? Have you ever been to Mexico or Panama or South America ??? I have, and the Police in those countries do not jack around and are not bound by "Political Correctness".
We can all toss stats around and a lot of the time, it depends on the slant a particular news outlet or agency wishes to spin to justify their agenda.

A criminal is determined by his actions, not his color. Keep your crayons, I think you need them more than I do...

So, the only way you can argue with the number's is to compare the USA to third world countries?
American police are trained from day one to shoot to kill if they feel they could be in danger. And the
citizen death toll draw's a pretty clear picture.
Guy shot to death in his car FYI was not a criminal, he was just a guy. The police even held his wife
or girlfriend at gunpoint in the car while the guy sat beside her and bled to death.She was later ordered out
of the vehicle /placed on her knee's and hand cuffed AT GUN POINT.All of this infront of a 4 year old kid.
Does this sound like sane rational human being's?
How about the mentally dissabled kid killed (on film) when 2 officers found him hiding in a closet in his mom's
house.When ordered out of the closet both officer's had their sidearm's drawn and pointed at the door, when the
door opened the kid had a screwdriver in hand and within about 1 second both officer's opened fire...........
Sane,rational behavior ? they feared for their lives?
They couldn't just grab him and pull him out because he was a deadly killer ninja? A officer has many weapons
on their person and they alway's use the gun. "another justified" stat.
Right after the story went to air the police released a video of the kid throwing a steel ball through the neighbor's
window to show the public he was a "dangerous violent criminal" .Nothing more than a scumbag move by police
union lawyer's to release a dead persons entire past to the public.
But hey Collin it's all good cause the cop's made it home safe to their families after a near death experience.
If i'm using the stats to my advantage and we can all throw number's around as you say.
Then back it up.....Show me some number's. Show me American police aren't 70x more violent then any other country.
11,000 death's/13 conviction's =.0011%.That changes the number's to 99.9988% of death's are justified.So according to you 10,987 people were trying to dissarm and kill an officer..........
You really believe that?
AND........ when enough evidence is present for criminal charges only 1 in 5 cases move forward, only 20% of the 1 in 5 are convicted.
I'll wait for a stunning comeback.

IMO ALL LIVES MATTER, It's not just boy's in blue that deserve to go home at the end of the day.Nobody nowhere deserves to die unless they are threatening the life of someone else and the situation cannot be dissolved in ANY OTHER WAY. 100% i agree this is the case sometimes,
but it is not the case in 99.9988 % of shooting death's.You would have to be a idiot to believe
99.9988% of those people deserved to die.
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