YES......piping sucks....dumb idea....other wise sled works fine....sooo far.I have about 500km on my 154X now, so far its ran great. The clutching needs some help as it has poor back shift and low RPM unless you go to clicker 4 or 5 but than it doesn't seem to be getting the power to the track. It pulls harder in clicker #2 but than RMP's are only around 7600 on a hard pull. I have already distroyed 1 belt and have a cord starting to come out on another. The snow was wet and heavy so the sled was realy working hard. The have been getting about 58 kmh track speed climbing which is pretty good.
The rear suspension sags down about 6 to 8 inches after ride hard up the trail. I think the rear springs are way too soft.
Only other complain is the blue piping they installed on the X seats. After riding up the trail my leg gets soar from rubbing against it. I will be getting it removed and the foam cut back to make the seat narrower at the front.