I put a multimeter on the sensor and its reading open, no ohms , so i'm thinking its the sensor, pulled it out and its clean, hardly any carbon on it, so i'll try a 130$ sensor and see what happens.
600 miles and my exaust pipe sensor is screwed, 1-7 code popping up,multimetered the sensor and got no resistance. what does the sensor do and can i run it without?, ran it all day and it ran fine.
wow, put one of these on and boy do they ever work! I have a handlebar bag and it's hard to see my gauges at the best of time, put on a kit from wildchild and it works awesome! I actually look at the gauge sometimes now.
2007 m 1000 slp pipe setup and boondocker, should i use a air fuel gauge to tune in the box or go with a pyrometer? used pyros before but the air fuel gauges look like the answer.
bought a non current 2008 m1000 from dons sp this year, put on a y pipe and a can, f1000 air horn, runs great! all reflashes done, couldn't be happier with this sled.
yes, sorry i should know better, silber turbo, 4.5 pounds boost (so far) 146 trk 2200 ft above sea level. already put 76 gr weights in primary and pulling 8100 rpm, primary kicking in at 3800 rpm, running c12 race gas first tank. more than likely going to mix 50/50, that's it so far.