Our riding styles are alittle of everything.....she woint do the 100 mph across the lake but she does kick it down. What do people think of Klim, motor fist, for the Polaris brands? Thank for the pinions so far....
Thanks guys......She rides 1000 to 1500 on good snow years mainly here in MN . She has a complete Polaris set (jacket, bibs) but has lost weight 145 down to 125 and the gear looks really bulky on her and could let cold air in now. She loves and will keep her HJC helmet but I am looking for...
Ok now that I have your attention.....what riding gear are the ladies buying? My wife is extremely cold ALL the time and it sometimes can cut the day down for riding. Right now she has a Polaris jacket and bibs which are ok but looking for options.....any suggestions?
whatever matti that polaris engine is rock solid.........we have two ion our fleet of utility sled and they have almost 10K on them..........gas, oil, skags, hyfax, and some idler wheel bearing.
People have to remember manufacturers go through problems with their models. (not defending all manufacturer). I remember years ago when i was on the Blowest website and people were ready to call for the public exicution of the president of cat due to clutch propblems. These cat clutches...
yea just wondering if you knew if it was a metal cap on a plastic bottle or a platic cap on a plastic bottle...Wahl bros said they would make we a metal one for me for $75.