Thank you for everypne who took the time to help me out on here !
Did excactly what everyone told be and got it back together and back running !
Thanks so much fot everyones time !
It runs better then it did before !
First pull starts like a champ !
Great machine love it !
Thanks everyone and...
I deffently asked for the torque specs for my machine in a different thread ! Thanks for the information though muchly appreaciated !
I have it all put back together and started first pull and took her for a rip !
Felt better then it did before !
Working on my rxl 650 and was putting my base plus head back onto my crank nd as I was sliding my head down the studs it came to the piston and stoped !
It looks like its impossible to put it back on why can't I make it fit am I doing somthing wrong?
I'm trying to put my head back on to my base cause I put a new gasket in and I'm haveing a bit of trouble fiting the head over the piston !
am I soppused to push the piston down or something ? Feels likw the rings at the top of the piston won't fit in the head ?
Am I doing somthing wrong ?
Why does it feel like its impossible to put this cylnder back on looks like the pistin won't fit in the head ! The rings don't look like theyll fit !
Am I doing something wrong ?
What side does this gasket go on ?
White silicon kinda looking stuff towards the bottom (crankcase) or upwords facing the head ?
Or does it matter?
Hello there
I'm replaceing one gasket on the base of my engin! Going to try to take off thw head all in onr peice!
And I need help on the torque specs for the base nuts on the top of the cylinder!
I have a picture to identify the nuts I need the proper tourque when I out it all together !
Haha it is loud lol and ill check that out for sure I don't think I have a crack on it !
They are psi pipes I heard there almost the best !
There off a sks but the guy I bought it from made them fit !
Its a sweet machine I like it !
Lots of torque and power!
I took that one carb apart and was playing around with the horseshoe type thing were the float pushes on to the small needle and it seemed like the needle might of been to far out it kinda made a click then stayed there and I also fulled the bottom part up with gas to see if they floated and one...
Well I had it fired up here it was running good idleing there but noticed that obe overflow on one carb was pissing out gass when it was running !
Took like ten pulls but started up good when it did !
I pulled the needle out to cgeck it out on the one that the overflow was pissing out and didn't...