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  1. Russell P

    Texting while driving....

    Can someone tell me why, with all the technology packed in to a phone, that if it senses that it is traveling over 20 kph (GPS) it locks out texting and only allows phone calls. LOL. Take the option of texting and driving away. That’s the only true solution I see to this problem.
  2. Russell P

    2013 Polaris pro bars

    They are 28 1/2 inches wide.
  3. Russell P

    Humorous picture thread

    On their way to a Hilary Clinton rally.
  4. Russell P

    Myth Busters Needed Lol

    But in true myth busters style, if the first attempt doesn't succeed , put it in to a cement mixer to REALLY shake the sh!t out of it, then blow it up. Make sure to video it so we can all watch. P.S. man I miss that show. LOL.
  5. Russell P

    Plastic doo hickey ??

    From the title I thought this was an announcement of the new Ski Doo gimmick that was going to be hailed as a game changer by Maxwell. Sorry, my bad.
  6. Russell P

    Is it worth $2000? what would you do

    $2000 pays for a lot of trips to the mountains.
  7. Russell P

    President Trump?

    Holy sh!t, can you believe the left wing whimpering on CNN right now. Man is it pathetic when the media is so painfully biased, they don't even pretend to be impartial.
  8. Russell P

    President Trump?

    I'm thinking the Trump F@ck over has begun. Race is getting close now.
  9. Russell P

    Lock it or loose it !!!

    King Ralph had the best idea, maybe not for this particular problem but, SHOOT, SHOVEL AND SHUT UP. If if a few of these thieves quit making it back, they may start to think twice. The he bleeding hearts of society think hugs and handouts will fix it, it's just made it worse.
  10. Russell P

    Thank You Venders, at Edmonton snowmobile show.

    LOL, my 15 year old son call it a widow maker. I had to agree.
  11. Russell P

    Will common sense prevail?

    The problem with being politically correct is that it usually goes against being correct in the first place. In most cases the people screaming for political correctness are only doing so for attention or see the possibility of financial profit. Do you think the fighting Irish are going to be...
  12. Russell P

    Show off your 2017 ride!

    Looks good in straight black. Skinz seat and back bumper, what's the next add on?
  13. Russell P

    Another Terrorist Attack in America

    It's too bad that gun control will become the hot topic of this senseless act of violence. Gun control has never been the answer to this issue, people control is. Why the hell is this guy walking around free when he is a figure in TWO federal investigations and is known to have ties with Islamic...
  14. Russell P

    dash cam vid of idiot on hiway2

    ..........Hey,what are you doing wasting your time on this chat for,shouldn't you be making a sandwich or something. LOL AND GO!!!
  15. Russell P

    Ant Killer

    Malathion might be what you are thinking.
  16. Russell P


    You hit the nail on the head right there! If we had a justice system he would already be in jail or dead an the McCann family would have the peace and closure that they deserve. Instead we worry about Vader's human rights. No justice in that. Too many people and squeaky wheel groups worrying...
  17. Russell P

    In ground dog fences

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in ages.
  18. Russell P

    First machine for my son.

    I had my son on a Polaris Sawtooth, (same as a Phoenix but with front and rear racks) It is a nice size for kids of that age, has plenty of power for them and is about three quartes the size of a typical quad so it is not intimidating for them. Plus for me anyway, I felt better knowing that if...
  19. Russell P

    Anyone see this before?

    LOL, yup, seen it happen before. My brother brought me a 2001 MXZ he bought from his neighbour to get running. All the fuel hoses were rotten, line inside the tank was totally disintegrated, the rubber grommet around the fuel line coming out of the tank was rotten, fuel pump was totally gummed...
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