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  1. barleyfarmer

    2006 CR 125 running hot

    I just rebuilt the engine and this thing runs hot!I double checked head gasket was installed properly.I checked water pump and it rotates when you crank it over.Topped up system and laid it over to get air out and topped it up again!No bubbling from leaking head gasket when running!Kid takes it...
  2. barleyfarmer

    2008 Dodge 6.7 Cummins Engine Brake Whine

    No not turbo noise.It squeals even at idle when I hit button to turn on brake.Then squeals when slowing down and brake engages.It never used to make noise so I am starting to think I have a leak somewhere.Also I see some guys remove the valve and put in a delete kit.
  3. barleyfarmer

    2008 Dodge 6.7 Cummins Engine Brake Whine

    My truck started to whine when I turn on the engine brake!It never used to!I changed the exhaust gas filter on top of the engine (200$) because it had the perform service message come up on the screen!I have 130 000km on the truck.Is there a broken line or do I have to remove the valve assembly...
  4. barleyfarmer

    2008 Thundercat Quad

    I have a blown front ujoint between diff and transfer case!How hard are they to change and where could I find something online for some info and tips?It doesn't look overly complicated but I would like some tips!Thanks for any help!
  5. barleyfarmer

    General Contractor Question

    One thing with this Alberta weather I'm having water leaks in this new house already!!One was from where the deck is going to be attached and the water got in behind the siding and came in the basement behind my day old drywall!!The mudder/taper was upstairs when the water started dripping below...
  6. barleyfarmer

    General Contractor Question

    For all the general contractors out there what is the average markup up for your subs?I'm building a house since last fall and I'm getting a little suspicious about what he's marking up his sub-contractors invoices!I understand how business works and you need to charge when you hire someone but...
  7. barleyfarmer

    Sledders threatened with gun

    If you listen on the video the sledder's voice when he says are you 'Effing kidding me?'Then he spots the gun and his tone changes a lot!The gun had the desired effect!Pretty sure if the old boy didn't have the shotgun the 'innocent lost sledders' wouldn't not have been so 'polite' and or even...
  8. barleyfarmer

    Sledders threatened with gun

    Sled tracks send the frost down and it does damage hay crops like alfalfa!You have enough sleds on it and it will considerable damage!Most guys don't have the common sense to stick close to the edges to minimize their impact!I know there is not a lot of hay fields anymore but you have no idea of...
  9. barleyfarmer

    Sledders threatened with gun

    The farmer did make a few mistakes with the situation!BUT maybe the last sledders he stopped were not as cooperative as these two and he felt threatened so brought the gun as a deterent!Also why do people always go to the 'It wasn't posted!' defence?Unless you own it and have your name on the...
  10. barleyfarmer

    Sledders threatened with gun

    Not sure about this!Would those guys have stopped if he didn't have the gun or would have tried to reason with him?Pretty sure it would have been 'Eff you old man!'Who knows maybe these same guys have been pissing him off for a while!They aren't going to show a video where they come off as...
  11. barleyfarmer

    Starting to understand some of the attitude.

    Have any of you been on the hill and ran into a group 'playing' in a risky area and stopped and warned them about it and been either told off or ignored?I've been going to the mountains since the late 80's and noticed the sleds now can make pulls that the old hill climbing sleds could only dream...
  12. barleyfarmer

    New Home Builders

    Amazing some of the horror stories I hear now that I'm building!My GC used to seem pretty good but seems to be trying to pull some shady crap now too!Gave me a bill the other day and some numbers don't make sense!!Building inspection was 1800 and building inspector phones me wanting to get paid...
  13. barleyfarmer

    Truck Diff Question Rockwell RT40

    Went to use my truck today and put it in gear and it loaded up and bang!Truck will move with diff lock but diff lock off you can turn driveshaft by hand and it won't move!What would have snapped and can I limp it down the highway to a shop?Basically I have to make 3 corners or would it tear more...
  14. barleyfarmer

    Building A House Protection

    Paying cash so far.Problem I have is I farm and I can't just couple years down the road if house is giving me grief dump it and move!It is annoying that my buddy and him are tight and when my buddy squaks he drops everything and runs there!Been trying to save friendship with my buddy but I have...
  15. barleyfarmer

    Building A House Protection

    I've been buying the materials so far and I'm in over 70k already!That's why I'm getting a little nervous!
  16. barleyfarmer

    Building A House Protection

    I'm building a house and is there something I can have written up at a lawyers or someplace to go to that I can have some kind of extended warranty put on?Reason I'm asking is because my general contractor that is building it keeps giving these bs timelines and costs!I asked lasts March is he...
  17. barleyfarmer

    Bradley Smoker Problem

    Sounds like these things are hard on elements!Guess I have to pick up a couple!
  18. barleyfarmer

    Bradley Smoker Problem

    I have a 4 rack digital smoker/oven and it seems that the oven element is not heating up!The smoker one works and was wondering did anyone else have issues with these smokers?O r have an idea what I should look it maybe it's something simple.Thanks!
  19. barleyfarmer

    Mountain Cat 1000 should be in perfect running condition soon and other good news!

    I'll take the sound of a triple two stroke any day over a four stroke!!Those 1000's made power but they were a hand full!Good deal on the trailer!But be careful I had good buddies screw me on some deals!But for what you paid for it you could definately do the bearings and brakes if needed for...
  20. barleyfarmer


    This is hilarious how this thread went!The older guys calming the younger ones down about which sled is better!They ALL break and it used to be fun pick each others azz about what they rode!But I noticed now a days guys are ready to scrap over it!It is entertaining reading all the insults back...
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