Things have gotten stupid... you have towns and people taking it to the extreme and others paying attention and doing what needs to be done.. but as usual the extremists are saying shut everything down...
One thing I have not figured out across canada... why is a liquor store considered a...
one thing i have never seen posted in the statistics is the 4 worst place's hit are also the highest population density in the world when you sit down and figure out the stats you are only looking at roughly a 7% infection rate... These are places where you live on top of your neighbor and its...
1/2 the reason icbc is loosing money is their adjusters do not want to do the job the are paid for. How many false claims have they just signed off on? I know of several and even brought pictures in of one person filing a false claim... I was told yes we know its a bad claim but their is to much...
I think pretty soon you are going to see the band turn on their hereditary chiefs... They want this and they want to work and receive the benefits of the pipeline.. they are tired of having nothing.... Their only has even been a handful from this band that was protesting and probably half of...
Pretty good when the band members want the pipeline because they want to work and are tired of living in poverty most of the time because their hereditary refuse to do anything that will better the band.. According to them the elected chiefs are able to make these dissensions and the hereditary...
now if they just enforce it... now their are blocking the main hwy up here causing everyone not to get their freight. This is putting allot of our customers out of work until things show up... They even slashed the tires on a few rcmp veh
Ya pretty sad when they have effected so many people over a few that did not want it... exactly the reason the mine pulled the plug.. they want nothing to do with something natives are a part of in fear they do the same thing to their company
Expect to see a lot more of this... I bet anything that if the native bands would have not signed on the deal would have went through.. But with all the BS of blockades and everything else that has happened with the native bands no large company will want anything to do with them... These...
way out of control.. read on FB yesterday on FB that someone not even related to that band saying if anyone tryes to trespass on their property they were going to shoot them.. Yet we will see nothing done about that threat
Yes they do... I set up a fairly large rv park with them. Only had to extend one area with a access point to get the signal through the trees for 3 sites
half the people do not even know what they are protesting about. The rcmp and CN police are being spineless... anyone else that did this would have been arrested long ago... 1 or 2 so called hereditary chiefs that are not happy with the decision are creating this issue the others are happy to...
Ahhh you beat me to it... Another good option is setting up a nanostation from your current router in the house facing your garage.. This access point with broadcast a good strong signal to your shop and is quite easy to set up and not overly expencive..
In the older veh the tail lights do not come on with DRL. But that all changed a year or 2 back and its suppose to be mandatory for manufacturers to have the tail lights on with the DRL.. Not sure when the final date for compliance was... i see at least 6 or so cars a night running with DRL at...
This has gone beyond BS... anyone else that performs acts of terrorism would be jailed and charged plain and simple. They enjoy all the benefits from the industry but are being greedy they want the benefits and are willing to give nothing back.. They want to take us back to the stone ages with...
forums have been removing the plug in.. With the newer versions they have created a back door where they are DL all the form info and user info.. Tapatalk is just a joke now i paied for it years ago and they want me to pay again
Agree with the comments above change out your fuel filters and drain the water separator.. Also not sure what you are running for oil but i found the biggest difference when i had my diesel is run a good quality full synth oil.. Once i switched oil i no longer had to plug it in would fire up...
After a few years of plowing snow with a tracked skid steer. I found the best and fastest was a tilting blade. Never really had to stop i would just keep going with the blade town and and tilt it the other way. With the tracked machine i could make some high piles with that blade.. Could always...