Oil tank isnt that bad is it????? Your not too far away once you remove the Pyramidal structure arent u???......
Whatever happens I'm happy lol!!!!!!! I can learn to accept this Temporary fix, IF that is indeed what it really is....
Just hope it works for the long run....... Still am a Strong Doo-Man and always will be, BUT I'm even sure you Maxwell had reservations about the recall and how it stressed everything out of its original position....
So far Sicamous is still a go.... Will be watching to see if the ride and/or...
When I called about this scenario (I called a few stores across Ab and Sk) the most common reply was. "More often than not riders accidently swap gas caps and oil caps to different tanks...causing over pressurisation of oil tank...causing it to swell and then leads to failure." Im no genius but...
I thought the 2012's had a different design tank setup??? As far as I know they completely redid the orientation of the fittings and inlets on the tank for 2013... I could be wrong tho..
Regardless... gotta be fixed..
Tip for the knots... Make your usual knot, then use a piece of large wiring heat shrink, slide the shrink over the knot, then heat with a torch or heat gun.... THERE'S NO WAY THAT KNOT WILL COME LOOSE AFTER!!!!!!
Apparently the "Fuel line fix" aint much of a fix.... A member on here (Fuel) just posted in another thread that a rider in his group snapped the fuel line right off, AFTER THE RECALL REPAIR WAS DONE!!!
A 30cent Black and Orange sign might be a safer bet right about now...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh...
I wasnt necessarily talking about the jackshaft moving... more the oil tank moving/flexing with the structure of the sled.... We all feel the same with the "Band-Aid" fix BRP came out with.... A smaller tank would have dealt with the problem much better... At this rate they might have to anyway...
3/32 IMO is awfully close... If the body and structure twists and flexes as some other posts have stated... that gap will close up quick... the tank was solid before recall too when just sitting still, but ended up snapping lines....
I just dont know if I feel safe enough riding like...
Cold have been if he hadnt gone flat-landing this weekend.... We were on our way ti Sicamus this coming weekend..... Then there would have definately been a heli ride, either to recover sled or recover remnants of a sled....
Hope we dont have to cancel trip...
This pic is Bernoffs sled... Mine has less clearance (about 1/16") looks like my trip is toast too.. Sux to say that Ive had my sled for 4+months now and barely have gotten over the 150km mark....
I'll be writing BRP a letter, Mark My Words!!!
Heres the pic of the clearances between the oil tank and Jackshaft....... Bernoff used a 3/32" rod to gauge the clearance (you can see the rod sticking in the gap between the tank and shaft).... Apparently this will end up being issue #2....
Looks llike the BAND-AID fix may have made the...
(Okay Marco,T, and Homer,,,,,,, Procedure for recall installation)Okay Marco,T, and Homer,,,,,,, Procedure for recall installation
Installation Procedure for BRP to follow as per recall information....
Really sux young-gun...
I turned mine, better safe than sorry I think.... NORMALLY unless you are really careful the clamp is non-reusable, usually gets way out of shape removing it.... BUT a small Hose-clamp (smallest u can get, will do the same thing, and will not take up any more space..... I turned my clamp so the...