Renshaw had awesome snow but really socked in.
I don't think anyone got very far back but the snow around the cabin was awesome! Got some 174's stuck!
Snowed all day and still snowing when we left.
Rode Clemina today
Spent 3/4 of it in morning glory
Powder coming over the hood all day.
We got about 30 min of sun and never actually broke over the top.
Went to the goat bowl at the end of the day, good powder but lots of riders chewing it up.
I just picked one up.
There is a 99.95 dollar rebate and free case promo if you buy it over Christmas.
The tragedy in Revy finally convinced me that it is a mandatory piece of equipment.
I have been to both Thailand and Indonesia.
Never had any problems, great people.
But remember there are always places you shouldn't any country.
Obviously the emergency systems were not functioned checked on the surface, as circuits were wired incorrectly.
That's crazy, 5000 feet down and we forgot to function check the safety system.....
Try a 2" riser clamp on the inside of the belly pan, adjust it so only 1/2" of the tailpipe sticks out?
As long as it doesn't force the silencer too far upwards inside or cause other fitment issues, it might work.