One question, Have you ever sat/drove one yet??? I had a buddy that thought it would be the "best thing since sliced bread" to have and drive. He took it for a drive around Red Deer, parked it, and said no thank you. He's 5'11" and said it was the most uncomfortable thing he has ever drove...
Specialty sleds in Edmonton, 780-451-1130, I know they carry doo mono cylinders on the shelf, might have something, and will ship ASAP if you want it there that quick. You can check Mountain Magic, 780-474-9400, never know with them.
Well it was some awsome sledding in there, grip it and rip it all day long. There was a couple of people skinning in there, tried to stay away from them and let them have their space. Not like we didn't have enough:d
Thanks for the clear up pano, as i said before if I had known that it was a no go zone, wouldn't have been in there, just going off what we were told that morning, by people we thought had the correct information.:beer:
We seen that guy at the cabin, he was soaked, so were his boots. He sat in front of the stove for about 10 min, didn't even pull the liners out of his boots. Pulled em on, bare feet in the boots, and was gone, pants, jacket, boots soaked. We couldn't believe that he didn't take more time to dry...
There were no signs at the gas drop, that I seen. We did stop there as some guys dropped some gas, and some us changed our clickers. Like I said before, if we weren't supposed to be in there, and we were, I'll know for next time.
When we were paying trail fees at the trail head, the boys asked the guys taking the money, which were the president and vice president of the snowmobile club, and they said it was open for the weekend. If it was OB, we would not have been there. Now maybe we were not supposed to be there, but...
Other cable goes to your oil pump as said before. There is a circlip and a washer on the end of it. Need to roll the cable towards the oil pump to pull out of the slot. Will have to pull air box, carbs, and maybe the reeds depending on size of hands running the tools(I had to pull reeds) I...