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  1. smiley1

    St. Paul & the Iron Horse Trail

    Hi there all; the IHT from St. Paul to Ashmont, to Mallaig, to Glendon, to Bonnyville and on to Cold Lake was just groomed by 'Jerry' last Friday and is good to go; pretty good snow conditions up here in the NE; lot's of sledding going on now that we got a good dump last weekend and it's snowing...
  2. smiley1

    St.Paul Trailblazer's Rally; "2009"

    Hi; I would love to but than that would mean your little brother would have to stay back here at home and groom the trail; do the signage and get everything else done for our Rally on you think he would go for that; ya; right :d We have our club meeting Tuesday night and I'll see...
  3. smiley1

    St. Paul Trailblazers's Rally; "2009"

    The St.Paul Trailblazer's Annual Snowmobile Rally will be held on Sunday; February 15th, 2009 south of St.Paul at Lac Belluvue Hall...more information will be forth coming the beginning of January; so please remember this date for the next Rally coming up in North East Alberta..... I will keep...
  4. smiley1

    St.Paul Trailblazer's Rally; "2009"

    The St.Paul Trailblazers Annual Snowmobile Rally will be held on Sunday; February 15th, 2009; on +/- 100 kms of groomed scenic trails. Advance registration is limited to the 1st 200 sledders; as these are available at the 4 snowmobile dealers in St.Paul or you can contact Leona at 780-645-6834...
  5. smiley1

    St. Paul & the Iron Horse Trail

    We just got a couple of inches of snow this weekend so now the IHT has snow on it; some sleds have been on there. Hopefully with more snow this month we can hopefully be grooming later this month. I will keep everyone posted; Smiley :)
  6. smiley1

    St. Paul Trailblazers Annual Snowmobile Rally; 2008

    :) The annual snowmobile Rally held by the St.Paul Trailblazers is being held on Family Day weekend Sunday; February 17th, 2008 at Lac Bellvue Hall; 12 kms south of St.Paul on Hwy SR#881. The Rally will be held on +/- 100 kms of groomed scenic trails south of St.Paul. Registration is limited to...
  7. smiley1

    St.Paul Trailblazers Annual Snowmobile Rally

    The annual snowmobile Rally held by the St.Paul Trailblazers is being held on the Family Day weekend Sunday; February 17th, 2008 at Lac Bellvue Hall; 12 kms south of St.Paul on Hwy sr#881. The rally will be on +/- 100kms of scenic groomed trails south of St.Paul. Registration is limited to 200...
  8. smiley1

    St. Paul Trailblazers Snowmobile Rally

    The annual snowmobile Rally held by the St.Paul Trailblazers is being held on the Family Day Weekend Sunday; February 17th; 2008; at Lac Bellvue Hall; 12 kms south of St.Paul on Hwy SR#881. The Rally will be +/- 100 kms of groomed scenic trails south of St.Paul. Registration is limited to 200...
  9. smiley1

    St.Paul Trailblazers Annual Snowmobile Rally

    The St. Paul Trailblazers Annual Snowmobile Rally is on Saturday, February 17, 2007 in St.Paul in junction with the Winter Festival. Registration is from 9:00 am till 11:30 am at the Centennial Senior Citizen Hall at 5114-49th Street in St. Paul. Trail ride is on +/- 80 kms of groomed snowmobile...
  10. smiley1

    Trailblazers Monthly Meeting

    Just wanted to inform everyone that the Monthly St.Paul Trailblazers is always on the 1st Thurday of the Month; so the next meeting wil be Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007 at the County meeting Room at 7:30 pm; all sledders are welcome.
  11. smiley1

    Iron Horse Trail

    Conditions are even better now After the blizzard blew thru on Tuesday; Jan. 9th; the conditions of the snowmobile trails are great; lot's of new and drifted snow to play on. The Groomer is down for a few days due to a computer malfuction and are waiting for a tech to come out and fix it; so...
  12. smiley1

    Blue River

    Where to ride.... Quick question; does anyone know the area around Blue River and where exactly to ride? Who can a person call or who does one see to ride in this area?:confused: Greatly appreciated; Smiley
  13. smiley1

    Iron Horse Trail

    Where did you ride... So where exactly did you ride? Was that part of the IHT groomed? What's it like?
  14. smiley1

    Iron Horse Trail

    Just a quick update on the Iron Horse Trail in NE Alberta; trails been groomed from Heinsburg to Elk Point to St. Paul to Ashmont to Vilna to Smoky Lake and with 5" of fresh snow this weekend; in great condition. The crew also groomed from Cold Lake to Bonnyville; but the groomer/drag have a...
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