Clemina is a pretty easy area to get around. As mentioned by depsnolvr. Take your time and you will find your way around no problem. There will always be helpful sledders around to show or point you in the right direction.
rode allan friday and clemina sat. the weather was great and there was lots of fresh to be had both days. It was getting pounded out pretty good so snow is needed.
take a look at the mid 2000 gmc or chev 1500hd's or 2500s. Bulletproof 6.0 litre v8 and overall reliability. Should be able to get a decent one for around 10k. Plus you get the higher payload as well
We were stopped last year heading home from valemount. Brake cable didn't work so fined and had to repair before we could hook up. Buddy has hids but had proper housing so no ticket. We had no issues with the rcmp. There were a lot of sledders pulled over but the rc's also were pulling over...
get the battery number, dimensions and connection post locations and try gregg distributors. Not sure if they are that much cheaper or lighter but have a good selection. Just picked a battery for the quad there.
just curious what you truck gvwr is rated at. 4500kg would put you at 9900lbs which seems high. I thought the gvws on those were around 8800lbs. just wondering.
The past 12 years we have always rode vale or mcbride and the last few years it has been valemount. This is the second year for my vale membership and will continue to purchase one for years to come whenther I make good use of it or not. I have never had a problem paying for a trail pass in the...
I have heard reports of around 2 ft west of cow lake near the prairie creek baseline area. I know you still nedd to watch for land mines but is the 2ft fairly accurate.
I would think valemount probably has a lower theft and vandalism rate than most places. On another note, last year we met the rcmps at the clemina parking lot and talked to them for a while. They were monitoring the staging areas for theft and vandalism, so as much as we complain about tickets...