Lol. Actually I have a problem processing pain. Rode back to camp, made dinner, had a few drinks and spent the night. Loaded up and went to the hospital the next day to get the bone fixed. I’m basically retarded.
Hit a tree on the dirt bike. The white spot had some severe meat damage. This was 3 weeks later. Now it’s full of scar tissue. Going physio to try and break up the scar.
Canada has a law that a certain percentage of all vehicles sold in Canada have to be built in Canada... it’s part of the new USMCA(replacement for nafta) it’s much closer to the old autopac in manufacturing percentage quotas.
I’ve had like 3 super deep days there, but when they happen you gotta get out there or like said, the wind will take it before you enjoy it. Middle koot gets decent, but there’s a reason revelstoke is famous. Not in the same league.
That’s not so bad, pretty much any body shop should be able to take care of that for you if you don’t want to do it yourself. If you want to try it yourself send me a message and I’ll try to steer you they it the easiest way. Or if you ever head south to Lethbridge one of my shops can help you out.
Put gas station brand def in mine in golden one winter, like 300km later I got an “incorrect def” message on the dash. Stupid truck knew. But have ran air1 in a pinch other times with no issue.
I’ve got a pieps with a cracked screen (hit chest on bars with it in sling) and was told that they basically don’t fix them. Bought a t3 instead. Wish I could buy a screen for it, seems dumb to throw it away over a 1”lcd that cracked, but can’t search the way it is.
Kids stuff is such a pain cus they out grow it all the time, it never gets worn out on the first kid. We have a ski swap every year, good place to essentially trade in outgrown kid stuff. Other than that lots of leftovers from last year. As much as I try to avoid big box stores, just got the...