I renewed the insurance Friday afternoon. I used to keep a few locks on it but it was a pita when I'm using it often. I guess if they want it that bad they are going to have it.
Lunch time on Friday my wife calls and asks if I came home and picked up the trailer, of course I did not.
She remote started the vehicle in the driveway and went to pick up our daughter at school, noticed the tongue lock laying by the trailer and figured I forgot to put it on the day before...
Going to get one of these but I am not sure which one to get. I have used the rattler but never tried the cobra.
Seems like the cobra would be the way to go since it is tough enough for sled to sled pulls. Must be easy to use the same as the rattler but with out the comfort handle?
I didnt mean there not worth it or unjustifiable, I have some pretty expensive oakley sunglasses that are worth the money. But I do get buyers remorse with high priced items.