My opinion the edge is waaaay more comfortable and dont have the cheesy cheap looking plastic interior my buddies edge is awesome to ride in when we went to city
I had to think about what people are saying here. I switched my wifes machine to rope as the cable got badly frayed and i had a bad run on it two ropes before agood one there is a difference in strength. I have a black one on hers now first was blue it broke first winch pull no jerking. My rzr...
I use mobil 0w40 in engine (polaris oilis same weight and synthetic too)
75w140 synthetic in my rear diff
And use polaris oil in trans and front diff as no one knows 1000000% what those two fluids are. And wix oil filter from auto parts store with not one issue yet
Is your truck gas or diesel. Cant be done on gas except by the installer. Module needs glow plug input for anything longer than 15 min this is regulated by epa for remote start manufacturers but if a good installer knows how he can bypass the run time