I had heard if Rodgers pass is getting snow then quarts is? Well if that's true quarts should be getting some good snow now from what the highway cam is showing!
Re: Official revy riding conditions "3" 2012/13
Thanks a lot Greg that's great to know! From what i have read you sound like a great guy and a huge part of the Revelstoke sledding community and there is nothing better to hear then that. One last question! where are you parking when you head up ??
Re: Official revy riding conditions "3" 2012/13
how was riding for the two guys on sleds?? think by remembrance day would be ok? a group of us from calgary want to come down or wold we be wasting our time?
last year we went to revy the day after christmas and it was deep! but also was socked in so we headed t blue lake and it was crazy deep in parts but then any time i have ever headed up to blue its always been deep even end of april when you had to drive the trucks up the road a few km the top...
when do you think you will go up to quartz??? im heading to revy the second weekend in movember and was thinking on the way back to Calgary stopping in for a ride at quarts?? think it will be safe to go??
Just put an mbrp can on my 2010 Polaris rmk, fits great but leaks a fair amount of exhaust from where the can meets the pipe? Would somethiny like muffler paste fix that?
thanks alot for the help with that, also i just put an mbrp can of my sled but where the can attaches to the pipe it leaks alot of exhaust? should i just fill around where the two connect with a muffler paste?