The way I understand it is,,,,,,,,,,,,, years ago they let any land owners take over that part of the rail line,,,,,,,, anything outside of private land was then owned by the gov. There are a couple landowners who HATE offroaders and don't want anything to do with anykind of trail system.
was out at nordegg on friday stomping around in 5" of new snow,,,,,,,,, heard it was hit again the other day,,,,, so up in there there may be even more right now, I never got sledding in there this winter,,,,,,,,, was mainly around Prairie and Ranger Creek.
I've only sledded on and south of the blackstone,,,, nice country,,,,,, I think the scenery is too nice for my buddy I was ridding with as he ran into my sled twice that day,,,, still have the war wounds on the back of my sled!!!!
Is the road into Chungo/Blackstone still closed??? was the last time I was up that way...... Had to use the Weyerhauser road to go in and out of there. Just a note that the blackstone river out at the gap is as far as you can go with OHV's. The Blackstone/Wapiabi FLUZ is a no machine zone. But...
Not 100% about the Hinton area,,,, but if your bike is insured under your home and have a printed proof of this and have proof of who you are you can ride in clearwater county,,,,,, I bring in people from BC and Sask. and was told this is good for here from head of SRD here. He also said not...
Anything in Dormer/sheep fluz is open,(south of Panther River) the Panther mainline is closed to ATV's,,,,, west of Mountainaire Lodge,,,,,,, we did some cutblocks off of the Compressor rd atkm 8 on the Panter and I saw some awsome trails there!!! there are some hills that may challenge the...
Head SW of Rocky on #752 to T @ Forestry Trunk RD,,,,,,,,, turn left,,,,,, aprox. 10 km to turn off to Cutoff crk. there is also camping @ Seven mile just past the turn off,,,,, not sure if you can quad from the campsite but there are trails all over,,,,,,,, Clearwater is near and may or maynot...
most of the foothills got rain/snow on the weekend,,,,,,,,,, ever try Cutoff Creek??? many trails,,,,,, I think May long weekend and looking for no activity in any area along the foothills is a dream,,,,,,, LOL
It may make it,,,,,, but any loyal ppl with the staff at Ekville would still go there,,,,,,,, when I had a Poooolaris and needed parts I went to Rainy Creek even though I could get parts at Mountain Extreme Joke. And I needed parts alot!!!!! Not anymore though!!!! I solved that problem!!! SOLD!
Long time ago,,,,,,There was a cabin at Sherman Meadows,,,, you could stay overnight in it as long as forestry was not there,, simular to Kakwa Lake, they pulled it and others like it years ago,,,,, I stayed in it and partied the night away.... used a tarp for a hammock and tied it off to some...
there is pre built crossings??? dont remember them,,,,,,,, just holes and hazzards,,,,,,, there is talk of saving falls creek area and making it a designated trail,, but have not heard lately. Every year a group of us go out and reserect a trail that has become non-ridable and this year we are...