I have a 2000 polaris xc 600 when it reaches around 80 it wants to die out and when i let off the throttle it returns to normal but as soon as i open it up again it wants to die out. Just picked it up and getting very frustrated any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks.
I have a 1996 polaris indy 650 fuel inj it starts and idles for maybe ten minutes then shuts down and when I try to give it full throttle it bogs out but will idle again. Just wondering if anybody had any ideals what the problem could be thanks.
i have a 1996 polaris xcr 600 rebuilt motor new plug wires caps throtle cables have fuel at all carbs and spark it starts but wont idle unless i hold the throtle open to about four thousand rpm but its back firing lots and seems to have no power any suggestions on what it could be would be...